Custom compiler options

The Scala plugin is coming along nicely, good work!

Is there a way to set custom Scala compiler options in the plugin? I would like to set the experimental "-Yrecursion" option, but I can't find any setting for this in the GUI.


Yes, we're just working on flexible compiler settings.


So it's not possible to do in the latest release? If it is, how?


Not in last one, which was today, but, I think in next one in a week.


Will this include the ability to compile mixed java and scala?

Thanks, Paul.


To compile Java and Scala jointly, we have to change our default compilation order (now Java is compiled in the first order). It's work on two lines of code, but we don't find 2.7.2RC1 complier enough mature to enable such mode.
We think about it as an option of configuration you are talking about.



Thanks for this. If it is an option then most people wouldn't have to change the order of compilation. However, I could, and risk the maturity problems you talk about :o)

I'm using the nightly builds of 2.7.2RC1 and they work well for my current project.

Thanks, Paul.

P.S. Are there any specific problems with RC1 or just general problems? If there are a few in particular, let me know and I might be able to speed up the progress...


>Are there any specific problems with RC1 or just general problems?
When I tried it two weeks ago and immediately found some incompatibilities between our java and scala code, both compiled or source. I reported about them, and, as I think all of them would have been fixed.

