Compilation doesn't work

Compilation doesn't work when Scala file is changed, when I press "Make project" nothing happens. However, everything is correctly recompiled if I start a complete rebuild.

Is it a known bug?

Permanently deleted user

Hello Alex,

Compilation doesn't work when Scala file is changed, when I press
"Make project" nothing happens. However, everything is correctly
recompiled if I start a complete rebuild.

Is your Scala file under a source root of a module?

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Yes, though I had to manually mark it as a source root. Still doesn't work. Additionally, I dependencies between modules with Scala code also do not work.

I can create a minimal test-case if necessary.


Do you use Java 1.5?
If yes, I think it's our compiler problem (I recently reproduced this). You can try to use Java 1.6 if it's possible, or wait and do rebuild yet. We are going to fix compiler in august middle or earlier.
Sorry for this inconvenient.


No, I'm using 1.6.

I'll wait for the fix and check.



I've checked it with the latest SVN version of Scala plugin and it still doesn't work.

I've added a JIRA bug with a test case (

I've also uncovered several bugs:
1) In this code:
var display = new Display();
var shell = new Shell(display,SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL);
Symbol '|' (bitwise OR) is incorrectly highlighted as unknown by IDEA ("Can't resolve symbol")

2) Interdependencies between modules do not work.

Permanently deleted user

Note that scala has all operations that are builtin in java assigned to respective scala.* classes. Effectively the error you describe is that we did not include those methods in respective classes. This should be fixed now.


Incremental compilation still doesn't work for me with JDK 1.6_02 and the latest trunc build of Scala plugin (complete rebuilds work).


Previously I sad, we start work under compiler in august. It is not so far, I think. I also want to have good compiler, because I have same problems. But for some reasons we'll do it at august start (for complete and right compiler rewriting, may be according recent scala compiler changes).
Sorry, for this problems. But you can be sure, that it will be fixed.


Thanks! I'm eagerly waiting for it.

For now I use continuous compilation feature of the Maven Scala plugin.

BTW, what is the timeframe for full autocomplete? As far as I understand, it requires proper type inference support which is not yet implemented?

Permanently deleted user

>As far as I understand, it requires proper type inference support which is not yet implemented?
Exactly. We add it as new type inference logic becomes implemented. Our next aim is to provide completion for infix operations.

