Rails Rspec non default directory structure not recognized
When I add a directory in a Rails project rspec is not able to find the code in it
for example
code in app/actions is not located however it is outside of Rubymine
could you please clarify what "rspec is not able to find the code in" means?
Does this mean that rspec test when you run it unable to use classes defined in the new directory or something else?
Regards, Oleg.
I have
service_dispatcher.rb <= containing: class ServiceDispatcher
Error Message
NameError: uninitialized constant ServiceDispatcher
error Message from Vim (Command Line)
Failure/Error: expect(ServiceDispatcher).to receive(service) <= still an error but ServiceDispatcher is recognized
Ok, I think now I known what you mean: it is a runtime exception.
So, next question is how do you run the spec file in RubyMine (just show screenshort of the run configuration),
and how it is executed in command line?
Regards, Oleg.
I usual way I run it is just to double click open the the pop and select run or else use ctrl-shift-R - This may not be the right way to do it but it usually works my config is below.

from the command line I usually use just bundle exec rake or bundle exec rspec
Ok, could you please try to run "rake rspec" in RubyMine and check if it works correctly.
If it is please try to run something like "bundle exec rspec <rspec-dir>" in command line to see if it works there.
Regards, Oleg.
Under the tools menu item - Run Rake task I entered rspec and it would not take it - I put in routes (this is a Rails App) and dit worked perfectly
Under Terminal - this may be a plugin - I entered bundle exec rake and bundle exec rspec and both worked - just plain rake and rspec did not work - it was the same as in my terminal
usually name of the task is "spec" (not "rspec").
Also if you think that "bundle exec" is important check "Run script in context of the bundle" at Bundler tab of the run configuration and check if it helps.
Regards, Oleg.