RubyMine 3.2 instant background task "Scaning for gem requirments"
My RubyMine 3.2 on windows is instanly lanunching background task "Scaning for gem requirments", that slows down all the actions inside Ruby mine or hangs up it for a few seconds.
I think you mean "constantly," because that is what has been happening for me since 107.261 on Windows. It will say "Scanning for gem requirements" and hang for a moment. Then it'll finish, and I will open another file in my project, and bang, "Scanning" and a hang... and on and on. I have to stick with 3.1.1. for now.
thank you for you response. i've run bundle install - it seems to solve the problem
Hmm. I thought this would help too, but I ran it and no change -- however I then restarted RubyMine and it seems to be better. :|
Oh well, problem solved!
I take it back. It's still doing this.
Tools->Bunder->Install ?
Yes, tried that. It seems sporadic. Now it stopped again... *shrug*
else i did one more thing : removed (commented) all unnecessary gems in gemfile
I Just upgraded from 3.1.1 and am seeing the same scanning/performance issue. None of the suggestions seemed to help...
happening to me, too - os x
Where's the old 3.1.1 download? Previous downloads only shows 3.0.1.
They don't have it listed on their site for some reason, but changing the version number in the d/l link works for me:
Windows version:
OSX version:
Regardless of what I did with my gemfile, I could not get it to stop saying it was scanning for requirements. I have to stay with 3.1.1 myself.
I'm having this same issue as well, but not on all projects...only one so far. The one constantly(every few seconds) trying to update gems was updated from a rails 2.x to a rails 3 project. Another, fresh Rails 3 project, is working fine.
The same is happening for me both on the beta version I tried and on the released version. Bundle install did not help.
Is there anyway to turn off this feature or is a fix/update expected soon?
In the meantime, I'm going back to 3.1.1
I deleted (or renamed) the project metadata directory (.idea) and this fixed the problem for me. of course this will also reset some of the custom settings...
If the problem still actual please attach java thread dump. You can capture it using "jstack" cmdline utility bundled in JDK.
:( Spoke too was good for 5 minutes and then came back.
I'd attach a stack trace but jstack doesn't like the fact that this is a 64 bit machine. :-/
Please attach thread jump captured using jstack
Also running in 64-bit (Win7), jstack produces this error:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin>jstack -l 3572
3572: Unable to attach to 32-bit process running under WOW64
Any ideas how we can get around this?
I ended up re-building the project with a fresh clone (and different branch of the repository). I re-built the .idea project in 3.1.1 and after seeing your post, I checked it out in 3.2.1. It's been 20 minutes and all is well. RM is behaving nicely.
And it's now back to scanning for gems, though this time the RubyMine exe isn't taking as much cpu. Back to 3.1.1
Will Jetbrains fix the problem with the excessive CPU load on Windows 7 64-bit?
It renders the whole IDE unusable guys. I am not entirely sure if the problem is related to the "scanning for gem requirements" task, but I am pretty sure it started from the first very first EAP following 3.1.1.
Also, inspection check seems to go on forever. The coloured icon at top left corner never turns to green or yellow. It always shows the "eye".
Right now, I am a paid customer and I cannot use 3.2.1. I have fallen back to 3.1.1. Will somebody help the situation please?
Looks like a bug was opened for this issue.
Hello Ilias,
It seems like it is a bug in IntellIJ platform, which RubyMine is based on, at the moment we are investigation the problem. Sorry for such inconveniences.
I have the same issue,
Side note: To make matters worst R# 6.0 has a similar background task that slows thinks a little :(
Same problem here, scanning every x seconds and CPU at 100% (linux x64 running in a VM on a win 7 host)
Hello guys,
We'd appreciate your CPU snapshots a lot attached to the issue. Instructions can be found here:
Same story here. Windows XP, Ruby192, Rails 3.0. Things were fine in Rubymine 3.1. Unbearable lag in RM 3.2 during frequently recurrent 'scanning for gem requirements'. Downgraded to RM 3.1 and everything is fine again.
Uploaded CPU Snapshot to
Hello Erich,
The problems showed within your snapshot are already fixed, expect bugfix update in a couple of days.
Hurray !! :)
This bug was driving me up a wall and I was ready to give up on RubyMine entirely because it was eating up my system every 5 seconds doing this scan.
This fix is really needed asap as the app is almost unusable in it's present state.
That said a lame workaround is as simple as renaming the Gemfile filename to and ignore the RubyMine warning about not being able to scan for dependencies.
Now my system isn't thrashing every 5 seconds.
Obviously you have to be careful not to check in the change into VCS and if you have any gem file changes you have to restore the filename ... but to make RubyMine usable again ... it's workable.
I hope this helps someone.