Creating new package in community
I am really getting killed here. In community source, I created a new module (new->module) and in that a Hello World Java class . WHen I build the new module does NOT show up in the out->production directory. I have to guess that there is a build script(s) between me and make that is causing this. I am not anxious to plunge into multiple ANT GANT scripts with al their variables and dependencies and all that just to be able to add a module
The HelloWorld module is just a cheap test to try and trouble shoot a problem I had when I tried to add a homegrown unit testing plugin framework and was copying what I saw junit did as far as configuration goes.
In that case I was creating file templates like junit and placing those templates in a directory structure that mimics junits own file structure. Good enough for now. I should say here that I added the my module to the module "plugins" next to all the other plugins and using the project structure screens and declared the dependencies on test-framework and all the rest and implemented JavaTestFramework etc etc and also a proper plugin.xml, the META-INF and added the dependencies therein. All that stuff. Done.
I noticed that despite Community finding my plugin and using its classes, - it knows there's a new test framework in town and shows that to me as a choice in the createTestDialog, build (make) absolutely was not not not transferring (the coimpiled version of) the folder with the source of the plugin from source to out->production . Actually that's a bit of a mystery to me because those classes are being found at runtime.
If you read Practical API Design by Jaroslav Tulach then Iam having an amoeba moment where I am discovsering that how Community gets built and what is happening when I press make-run is markedly different than the mental model I had for it.
Any help here on any aspect of this is so appreciated.
Please make sure that the option "Inherit project compile output path" is set under Project Structure | Modules | <your module> | Paths. The Make action for Community Edition does the regular IntelliJ make; there is no Ant or Gant involved. The Gant scripts are only used to build the IntelliJ IDEA distribution and to run its tests on a continuous integration server.
Yes I did have that done. I also tried doing the opposite, to no avail.
I am confused about how Community can find and run classes located in modules I make yet seem to not be transferring them to production->out , where I think it gets the .class files which are loaded when Community is run.
Here are some of my folk beliefs about How Community Works. I'll state them as true / false propositions and number them so that they can be answered yes or no quickly and easily. I encourage you or anyone else to answer them in just that way. They're carefuly crafted so that a simple yes/no answer to any of them is enormously helpful to me.
1 When you make Community by pushing run, any changed .java files are recompiled and the result placed into production/out/ etc etc
2 Intellij Community is just an ordinary program with respect to build- it just compiles whatever source classes are in any of its declared modules.
3 Any file present or directory structure in a module's directory that is not a .java file will simply be transferred as is to production/out/ etc etc.
The thing I didn't know to do was to use the artifacts dialog in the modules dialog to direct the creation of a jar and then add that jar as a library. At least, that solved my issue.
1. Not quite. When you push Run with the default run configuration, the module "community-main" and its dependencies are compiled. Most of the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition modules are (directly or indirectly) in the dependencies of community-main. If your new module is not in the dependencies of community-main, it will not be compiled.
2. Yes
3. Not necessarily. Non-Java files will be copied to the output directory only if they match the patterns specified under Settings | Compiler | Resource patterns.