Hi, As far as I see, Struts Assistant cannot resolve paths in Struts Config, that involve servlet mappings from web.xml. Is that correct or I'm configuring something wrong ?
In my environment (IDEA 5.1 build #4155 & Struts Assistant 1.12) it is recognized. Also, the mapping presents in the path chooser. What environment do you use?
Hi, what mapping do you use and which path cannot be resolved?
web.xml ***********************
DownloadServlet xx.xxxxx.xxx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.Download DownloadServlet /DownloadServlet StrutsConfig ******************* ]]>
In my environment (IDEA 5.1 build #4155 & Struts Assistant 1.12) it is recognized. Also, the mapping presents in the path chooser. What environment do you use?
Latest EAP (5321) + the bundled struts assistant.
I see. The problem will be fixed in the next EAP.
'k, 10x. Hope I was helpfull.