Confucion of ILazyParseableElementType
Can somebody please explain How to embed languages using ILazyParseableElementType.
Tutorial says,
"An important feature which can be implemented at lexer level is mixing languages within a file (for example, embedding fragments of Java code in some template language). If a language supports embedding its fragments in another language, it needs to define the chameleon token types for different types of fragments which can be embedded, and these token types need to implement the ILazyParseableElementType interface. The lexer of the enclosing language needs to return the entire fragment of the embedded language as a single chameleon token, of the type defined by the embedded language. To parse the contents of the chameleon token, IDEA will call the parser of the embedded language through a call to ILazyParseableElementType.parseContents()."
But I don't understand what this chameleon token types are. And also I don't find any com.intellij.psi.tree.IChameleonElementType class available. And also I don not find ILazyParseableElementType interface. Instead I found ILazyParseableElementType class.
Anybody please??
You will need to do some leg work.
Look at the Groovy plugin. It uses Chameleon tokens to handle GroovyDoc parsing.
You use ILazyParseableElementType, and basically subclass it or make an anonymous class with it. You make 1 token that represents the entire element (The whole groovy doc comment). And you use that in your main parser.
Later you parse the text of that element using a separate parser for groovydoc.
The groovy example is what I learned from. So just keep at it.
Thank you very much for your help. I looked into groovy plugin. Now I have a general
understanding about what happens.
My lexer returns some html content of HTML_TEXT
public static final IElementType HTML_TEXT = new HTMLelementType("HTML_ELEMENT",StdFileTypes.HTML.getLanguage());
HTMLelementType is a class that extends ILazyParseableElementType.
As Far as I understand the whole html content should be parsed. Is'nt that?
But I get the following exception
Where have I gone wrong? Your reply is highly appreciated..
You need to describe your problem better I think.
The error probably comes from the fact that com.intellij.lang.html.HTMLParserDefinition doesn't create PSI elements.
Thanks for replying. My scenario is I need to get syntax highlighting and code formating for a language called jaggery.
It consists of html and javascript.
Javascript is within the <% and %> brackets.
html <%javascript %> html
So I used MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider and TemplateLanguageFileViewProvider as described in tutorial
Below is my implementation according to that
public class JaggeryFileViewProvider extends MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider implements TemplateLanguageFileViewProvider {
private Language myTemplateDataLanguage1;
private Language language;
private Language dataLang;
public JaggeryFileViewProvider(PsiManager manager, VirtualFile virtualFile, boolean physical) {
super(manager, virtualFile, physical);
dataLang = TemplateDataLanguageMappings.getInstance(manager.getProject()).getMapping(virtualFile);
if (dataLang == null)
dataLang = StdFileTypes.JS.getLanguage();
if (dataLang instanceof TemplateLanguage) {
myTemplateDataLanguage1 = StdFileTypes.HTML.getLanguage();
} else {
myTemplateDataLanguage1 = LanguageSubstitutors.INSTANCE.substituteLanguage(dataLang, virtualFile, manager.getProject());
public JaggeryFileViewProvider(PsiManager manager, VirtualFile virtualFile, boolean physical, Language language) {
super(manager, virtualFile, physical);
this.myTemplateDataLanguage1 = language;
public Language getBaseLanguage() {
return JaggeryLanguage.INSTANCE; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
public Language getTemplateDataLanguage() {
return myTemplateDataLanguage1; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
protected MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider cloneInner(VirtualFile virtualFile) {
return new JaggeryFileViewProvider(getManager(), virtualFile, false, myTemplateDataLanguage1);
public Set<Language> getLanguages() {
return new THashSet<Language>(Arrays.asList(new Language[]{JaggeryLanguage.INSTANCE, myTemplateDataLanguage1}));
protected PsiFile createFile(Language lang) {
language = lang;
if (lang == myTemplateDataLanguage1) {
PsiFileImpl file = (PsiFileImpl) LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE.forLanguage(lang).createFile(this);
return file;
} else if (lang == JaggeryLanguage.INSTANCE)
return LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE.forLanguage(JaggeryLanguage.INSTANCE).createFile(this);
else return null;
Then in JaggeryTokenTypes class
public static final IElementType TEMPLATE_JAVASCRIPT_TEXT = new JaggeryElementType("TEMPLATE_JAVASCRIPT_TEXT");
public static final IElementType OUTER_ELEMENT_TYPE = new JaggeryElementType("OUTER_ELEMENT_TYPE");
public static TemplateDataElementType TEMPLATE_DATA =
public static final IElementType HTML_TEXT = new HTMLelementType("HTML_OUTER_ELEMENT",StdFileTypes.HTML.getLanguage());
public static final IElementType OUTERBRACKETS = new JaggeryElementType("OUTERBRACKETS");
//please note that syntax highlighting for html is done extending LayeredLexerEditorHighlighter
HTMLelementType would be as follows.
public class HTMLelementType extends ILazyParseableElementType {
public HTMLelementType(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull @org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls String debugName, @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable Language language) {
super(debugName, language);
And my lexer returns JaggeryTokenTypes.HTML_TEXT for HTML content
And JaggeryTokenTypes.JAVASCRIPT_TEXT for Javascript content
And <,%,> JaggeryTokenTypes.OUTERBRACKETS for alien outerbrackets
Hope it is clear so. So can't we use ILazyParseableElementType to parse the content of html
like that.
Or else is there another way to parse within the JaggeryFileViewProvider.
Please clarify me.
Thanks for the help..:) !!!!!