[ANN] IntelliUML Teresa 1.0 Preview Release

Hi All,

We thought you might like to know that Beto Software announces the Preview Release of IntelliUML Teresa 1.0, an intelligent UML modelling tool focused on Java and tightly integrated with IntelliJ IDEA.

Featured with a perfect mapping of the Java language to the UML and a seamless integration with IDEA, including roundtrip engineering, integrated diagram editor and model elements refactoring support, it enables Java developers to model software designs, easy and conveniently.

This is a, fully functional, release candidate, and you may expect the final version to be released soon..

Download the free Preview Release from http://www.betosoftware.com/teresa/download.html.

Visit our web site http://www.betosoftware.com for further information.


-The IntelliUML Teresa Team
Beto Software, S.L.

Permanently deleted user

Looking good however like VP the cost is going to prevent me from purchasing. Are you likely to be offering a fully functional personal edition similar to how JetBrains traditionally do with IDEA?

Permanently deleted user

Thank you Rob for your feedback.

The current license is targeted to businesses. A fully functional, commercial license to individuals (i.e., personal edition) is under consideration, though very likely to happen, however details about when or price will be yet to be decided.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for the information, I'm glad it's at least being considered. I also have a couple of suggestions, I've only just started playing with Teresa so please tell me if I've missed it but:

1. I was wondering whether there was any configuration panel for Teresa? I could see the need for things like a switchable auto-commit (i.e. you physically press a button to commit diagram changes to your program). At the moment everything is on live-commit which is really cool but I could see the need for committing to be a manual task, but switchable (for example sometimes you may simply want to design a structure without modifying a class real-time).

2. I would love to be able to add entire packages with associations etc already drawn-in to diagrams. Currently I appear to have to add classes individually? Again this may just be something that I've missed.

3. Why does it expect the plugin to be installed off the %IDEA_HOME%\config\plugins directory? It took me a few seconds to figure out why it wasn't working since every other plugin I have is installed off %IDEA_HOME%\plugins.

Also are there any plans to support the other UML elements in later versions? I'd assume so but I was just wondering.

Permanently deleted user

Rob, great stuff!

1. No, there is not a configuration panel for Teresa. We'd tried to keep use of Teresa as easy as possible, but definitely we'll add such a settings panel as need arises.

Regarding manual committing, we see what you mean, but initially this looks a bit difficult to implement. Let me explain why. Teresa always keeps code and model synchronised. Changes in the code trigger that the model is updated (i.e., the model listens for code changes). When you edit the model, it is actually the code what is changed and therefore the model is updated accordingly as said above. If we made the code side to listen for model changes, it would be trivial to make what you say, but we could easily enter in a loop of updates, code changes triggering model changes which will trigger code updates, etc.

Summing up, it sounds like a useful feature but we have to give it a deeper thought.

2. This in the top list of a next minor version.

3. Starting with IDEA 4.5 IDEA_HOME/plugins is for preinstalled plugins (i.e., bundle with IDEA) and third party plugins should go into IDEA_CONFIG_PATH/plugins. We'll make this point more clear in the documentation.

Currently we only have plans for package and interaction diagrams. In our opinion, use cases are more useful if written rather than drawn. State, activity and physical diagrams aren't so useful at the implementation level, which is the focus of Teresa.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Beto,

Hi All,

We thought you might like to know that Beto Software announces the
Preview Release of IntelliUML Teresa 1.0, an intelligent UML modelling
tool focused on Java and tightly integrated with IntelliJ IDEA.

Featured with a perfect mapping of the Java language to the UML and a
seamless integration with IDEA, including roundtrip engineering,
integrated diagram editor and model elements refactoring support, it
enables Java developers to model software designs, easy and

This is a, fully functional, release candidate, and you may expect the
final version to be released soon..

Download the free Preview Release from

Visit our web site http://www.betosoftware.com for further


-The IntelliUML Teresa Team
Beto Software, S.L.

Looks good -- How would you compare it to Visual Paradigm? (http://www.visual-paradigm.com/vpuml.php)


Permanently deleted user

Obviously I don't speak for Beto Software but from an end-user perspective VP implements more of the UML than Teresa does since currently Teresa is only covering Class Diagrams. However from the replies above it sounds like Beto are planning to implement what I would agree were the most valuable parts of UML for IDE integration. You have to remember that Teresa is still in development whilst VP has been on the market a while now.

Also you must remember that you can only really compare Teresa with the Professional edition of VP since none of the other editions include the forward/reverse engineering principles that Teresa includes (which IMO makes them fairly pointless).

Probably also worth noting that Teresa is being designed specifically for IDEA whilst VP have tried to design for as many different IDEs as possible. Personally I like the interface and UI better for Teresa than I do in VP, I think the integration looks much more "IDEA-like" so in my mind this looks like it could become a very promising product.

I would recommend giving it a try to see what you think for yourself, personally I think it's a really well designed plugin which could become an invaluable part of our IDEA toolkit. It has the potential to become the defacto standard for UML within IDEA, I couldn't say the same about VP.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for the insight Beto... it sounds like Teresa is set to become a very interesting player in the UML market.

Permanently deleted user

I think we couldn't explain it better, thanks Rob.

The differentiator factor of Teresa with any other UML modelling tool is two fold: a) it is designed for Java developers; and b) it is as tightly integrated with IDEA as the OpenAPI permits it.

We want to be to the Java modelling tools what IDEA is to the Java IDEs.

Permanently deleted user

I think we couldn't explain it better, thanks Rob.

The differentiator factor of Teresa with any other UML modelling tool is two
fold: a) it is designed for Java developers; and b) it is as tightly
integrated with IDEA as the OpenAPI permits it.

We want to be to the Java modelling tools what IDEA is to the Java IDEs.

Doesn't that limit your market, and by doing so, doesn't that also drive
your price up? I'm not bashing here, but it seems that VP offers much much
more for less money, as far as I'm concerned their integration into idea is
pretty dang tight, and as a java developer the other features they have are
very useful to me.

Also have you guys been testing this on OS X also, or just giving it a run
on Windows/Linux?


Permanently deleted user

Robert, thank you for your comments.

Every application has its strengths and weaknesses, we chose a smaller market to allow us develop a more customized tool. We didn't decide the price based on the market size but what we believe is reasonable and competitive with similar tools on the market.

Last time we tried VP (I must confess it was several months ago) we didn't have the same feeling of being tightly integrated with IDEA. It may have changed with recent versions though.

We are not saying at all that the other UML tools are bad (ourselves been users of some of them in the past), but we believe there's a niche for all of them.

Teresa hasn't been tested on OSX, feedback on that regard will be very much appreciated.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Beto,

I think we couldn't explain it better, thanks Rob.

The differentiator factor of Teresa with any other UML modelling tool
is two fold: a) it is designed for Java developers; and b) it is as
tightly integrated with IDEA as the OpenAPI permits it.

We want to be to the Java modelling tools what IDEA is to the Java

Well, I most definately thank you for the product -- as a JetBrains employee
who is responsible for helping customers meet their business needs (ie...
recommend tools along with IDEA), I'm happy to add Teresa to the list of
recommendations. We do not favor any plugins -- I was just asking for myself,
so I can be informed ... (I have downloaded it, and I'm playing with it,
but it's not too useful for hello world examples :))))) ... we'll let the
market decide what they need, we'll just make sure that our customers know
you exist when they ask us about UML modelling tools.

Thanks again! Keep up the excellent work!

JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


Hi Beto and users
I have just installed Teresa today and 'reverse engineered' one of my projects. I now have a tree in the model explorer window with nodes for all of my classes (neat), but I can't find any actual UML diagrams. Surely I don't have to draw them from scratch, since it already knows all the associations, etc.
I'm sure I've missed something, (but I can't find any documentation, so I'll ask here)... how do I create my class diagram from the existing model?
And is there any doco anywhere?

Thank you...

Permanently deleted user

Sorry to say such feature isn't supported by current version. It's planned for a future minor version, though. So far, to create a new class diagram select first a package node, right-click and choose New/Class Diagram. Then, you may add model elements to that diagram by selecting them on the Model Explorer and performing Add to Diagram action.
Also, there's no user documentation.


Permanently deleted user

I was looking forward to trying a UML tool inside on IntelliJ.

I am sorry to say that I was disappointed.

1) only supports class diagrams, which is not enough if you work on large complex systems.
2) focusing in the Teresa model tree has some bugs, sometimes you can select a node sometimes you cant
3) diagram editing not-intuitive, click on extends icon then click on classes you want to create the relationship between and nothing happens.

Couldnt see any documentation so at this point uninstalled the plugin.

Oh-well back to TogetherJ, I will however keep an eye open on future developments.

Permanently deleted user

My Wish seems to be coming into reality :)

See the following post I asked ~1.5 years back

Permanently deleted user

Thats actually pretty spooky!! :)

