Custom editor for reading and editing a '|' seperated file
I am new to intellij plugin development. I have to write a custom editor plugin which can read and edit a file. File will be having table with different rows, each row seperated '|'. I was looking for some starting point to write this.
On the Intellij home page it is suggested to check out the source code for Intellj. It has various sample plugins, but i am not able to checkout the code.
Please provide me some pointers for a start ( for writing custom editor).
Well, you didn't indicate where all you looked.
Did you read:
Specifically, followed the links to:
(I dont know much about what you mean by custom editor in this context, so I assumed custom language)
Thanks Jon.
By custom editor i mean to be able to load a abc.txt file having the following data
customerId , name , country
0 , "Hiro Tanaka" , "JPN"
1 , "John Smith" , "USA"
in a table/excel format. Edit it in table and then save again as the txt file.
I have gone through the links and am familiar with the basics of plugin writing. At the moment i am trying to follow the sample editor plugin.
I think the properties plugin may have some code in it to make custom editor along the lines of what you mention, you might take a look to see.
Where do i find properties plugin?
Found it in intellij community edition code.