Working with the Scala plugin source
Hi all,
I'm not sure if this should be here or in plugins. I downloaded the source code to the Scala plugin, I'm getting interested in Scala and a language plugin I'm working on seems like it might be a good project to learn with. I'm having trouble setting up the plugin project, the plugin requires the IntelliJ JDK but the Scala files require the Scala JDK. Is there something obvious I'm missing with setting this up?
Scala SDK encapsulates Java sdk or IDEA sdk. Just add the latter, and you'll be done.
Fantastic, thanks! I'd missed that. Any news on a new version? I'm looking forward to playing with it.
BTW I can't seem to compile the source - I get the following error:
Error:Error:line (117)error: trait ScTypeDef is a trait; does not take constructor arguments
Error:Error:line (143)error: trait ScTypeDef is a trait; does not take constructor arguments
Scala plugin 1347, IDEA 6819, OSX, JDK 1.5.0_07
We are working on this plugin in the background, the mainstream activities of Scala plugin developers are now related to developing Groovy plugin. Still the work on resolve is slow but gradually progressing.
I haven't been able to get to the point of compiling Scala files - it says the Scala SDK is required. Using the IDEA SDK that came with 7.0m1 didn't work either.
When I hit compile it says:
" Cannot compile scala files.
Please set up Scala sdk"
When I try to add the IDEA sdk as a Scala SDK, it says:
" The directory selected is not a valid home for Scala SDK"
Sounds like there's another step I'm missing somewhere?
Download scala and point to this directory when setting up Scala SDK.
Do you have any idea when we might see a new version?
There is currently no active work on Scala plugin. Taking into account the rapid changes that Scala language undergoes (e.g existential types), it does not seem feasible and worth trying to follow EPFL guys. Though it is much fun, it has really little business value.
That's a shame, it's one of the most interesting languages I've seen recently and I was hopeful of having a decent environment for it. Hopefully you guys will be able to pick it up again in the future.
Don't get me wrong, I'm also excited with Scala. But it is too research oriented and we just cannot be on par with its inventors when it comes to implementing support IDEA-style, that requires much more work than compiler that is itself I believe a piece of art.
too bad. scala is very interesting.
This is very sad, I had very high hopes for the Scala plugin for IDEA.
Personally, I would pay for it, as I'm sure others out there would, too.
Also, there's no necessity for it to support existential types right away.. syntax hilighting, indent, navigation, and simple refactoring would be sufficient to start!
Trying to compile the current state in IntelliJ 7.0.2, the project seems to be missing com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.libraries.ProjectLibraryTable and several other classes from the OpenAPI. Is it that I'm missing something?
Two unrelated questions:
a) have you considered open sourcing the Scala plug-in so the community can continue on it?
b) is there an example of a Module-level plug-in of a reasonable level of complexity (Rails or Grails, eg) that can get one on a LiftWeb plug-in?
We use closed api alot, so please add idea.jar to your idea sdk
It is open source, you may download the source from, we also continue (actually rewriting now) to develop scala plugin for 8.0
I'm not sure what you mean by module-level, but both ruby/rails and groovy/grails
plugins are open-source
Best news ever :)
How is this going to be implemented? Are you attempting to base the plugin on the compiler core? I seem to recall a post of yours saying that you thought this was the only viable way to implement it.
Please keep us informed!
great news. when's the first eap? ;o)
a blog post about it would be cool, maybe cross-posted to one of the scala blogs.
Scala! Scala! When's the EAP coming out? :) Keep us informed, please!
EAP is out, is the scala code in there?
Hello Peter,
No. The Scala plugin is still developed independently, and still is in a
too early stage to be released.
If you really want to check it out, it's at
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
ok, I might check it out, thx.
So, a few questions:
1. What version of scala are you targeting?
2. What's the timeframe?
3. Will it be in 8.0 as an officially supported language?
4. What features are you planning? Scala has a lot of language features, it'll be interesting to see how they integrate with the intellij tool set.
I guess 2-4 could be combined into a roadmap.
Thanks for doing this, I think scala will be increasingly popular.
Heh, you should get david pollack to do a lift plugin, too.
Hello Peter,
We can't really tell much about this, sorry. The work is still pretty much
exploratory, and all the answers depend on what the exploration will lead
to. Given the very high complexity of the language, it's far from certain
that the Scala plugin will be full-featured and production quality by the
time of IDEA 8.0 release.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
ok, thanks for the update. Keep us posted.
Have you guys contacted the Scala maintainers? I'm sure they'd be happy to provide help...
someone asking about the scala plugin for intellij on the scala tools list, some second hand back and forth there, you may want to directly comment.
here's the link I found it in...
Netbeans working on scala:
good news on scala language stability, from its creator