Development Hiatus for IntentionPowerPack and InspectionGadgets plugins.

As of this posting, the IntentionPowerPack and InspectionGadgets plugins for IDEA are on development hiatus. While I will ship bug fixes and version compatability releases, plans for new features, inspections, and intentions are on indefinite hold for the time being. At this point, IntentionPowerPack covers pretty much all of the "little refactorings" anyone
could want, and the combination of InspectionGadgets and IDEA is now probably the most full-featured Java static analysis tool available. It's been fun working on them, but I feel they are now complete enough and solid enough that I should really start spending time on other
projects (including my day job). Who knows, maybe it's time to "complete my trilogy", doing that PSI-based dependency visualization and metrics plugin with refactoring support that I've been meaning to.

If you've got any ideas for new intentions or inspections, feel free to use the IntentionPowerPack and InspectionsGadgets code bases for examples, or even extend them yourselves. Both InspectionPowerPack and InspectionGadgets are public domain, free to all to reuse, extend, or incorporate into other products as desired (that means JetBrains as well, hint, hint).

Thanks to all who offered support and encouragement as I worked on these plugins. I hope you find them as useful as I have.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for all the great work you've done on these two plugins! I can't
begin to say how useful they've been to me. Best of luck with whatever you
work on next,


Dave Griffith wrote:

As of this posting, the IntentionPowerPack and InspectionGadgets plugins for IDEA are on development hiatus. While I will ship bug fixes and version compatability releases, plans for new features, inspections, and intentions are on indefinite hold for the time being. At this point, IntentionPowerPack covers pretty much all of the "little refactorings" anyone
could want, and the combination of InspectionGadgets and IDEA is now probably the most full-featured Java static analysis tool available. It's been fun working on them, but I feel they are now complete enough and solid enough that I should really start spending time on other
projects (including my day job). Who knows, maybe it's time to "complete my trilogy", doing that PSI-based dependency visualization and metrics plugin with refactoring support that I've been meaning to.

If you've got any ideas for new intentions or inspections, feel free to use the IntentionPowerPack and InspectionsGadgets code bases for examples, or even extend them yourselves. Both InspectionPowerPack and InspectionGadgets are public domain, free to all to reuse, extend, or incorporate into other products as desired (that means JetBrains as well, hint, hint).

Thanks to all who offered support and encouragement as I worked on these plugins. I hope you find them as useful as I have.

Vilya Harvey / digital steps /
(W) +44 (0)1483 469 480
(M) +44 (0)7816 678 457


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Permanently deleted user

The IPP and IG plugins are a tour de force, and goes way beyond my expectations of a 'plugin'. You have singlehandly elevated the inspection/intention feature to 'best in class'.

I agree 100% IntelliJ should takeover the maintenance and future development as you hinted at. This is the kind of feature enhancement they should headline on the Aurora new feature list (not that silly AspectJ..hehe).

If I was CEO of IntelliJ, I would give you a lifetime personal license of IntelliJ for your efforts.

Permanently deleted user

Aw, shucks.

