[ANN] J2MeSupport plugin v1.0 build


New bugfix build 007 of J2MESupport plugin is available.
I also released the source code. Anyone sould feel like being interested (and able) to give me a hand, be welcome!

Comments,... you know :)



i am using your wonderful plugin
but now i cannot see my "hellowold"
it complile and deploy successfully but when i run it ,
it stops after it Initialized javax/microedition/lcdui/Form

the following is the text from console window:
INFO - Let's start emulator with command: c:\idea8\jre\bin\java -Dkvem.home=C:\WTK20 -Djava.library.path=C:\WTK20\bin -cp C:\WTK20\wtklib\kenv.zip;C:\WTK20\wtklib\ktools.zip;C:\WTK20\wtklib\customjmf.jar com.sun.kvem.environment.EmulatorWrapper -Xverbose:class -Xdevice:DefaultGrayPhone -classpath E:\javalearn\MIDP\dist\HelloWorld.jar -Xdescriptor:E:\javalearn\MIDP\dist\HelloWorld.jad

INFO - EmulatorTool: emulator process (java.lang.Win32Process@1a6a5f9) started ...

INFO - Initializing class: 'java/lang/Class'

INFO - Initializing class: 'javax/microedition/lcdui/Form'

the console window stops here ,and i can see nothing on the emulator


i solved the problem


Hi aiya,

Thanks for your response!
You fix your problems faster, than I'm able to read IJ forums :))

I'm afraid I haven't seen this behaviour before. It could be because your midlet/displayable uses classes from the standard JDK. When I set my project I use an empty standard JDK (remove all class path elements from the JDK classpath - Project Properties/Target JDK -> ...) Then
IDEA will not allow you to use any classes not available in midpapi.zip. You sould also add midapi.zip to your project classpath, so IDEA will assist you with the code manipulation. I'd love to do that automatically, but IDEA Open API does not allow to add entries to project classpath.

Any way, It would be nice if you would also publish your solution. Some other people could possibly have the same problem.




i installed wstk1.04 and wstk2.0
and when i test my programme on wstk1.04,it throws exception ,and when i change to wstk2.0,the same program
gives no exception.so i suggest everyone should
use wstk2.0 or higher.
and the reason u gived is fine.

and i want to say thanks to u,it is a good plugin,of
course, if it can debug my program,it will be a perfect


i donnot know why this happened
the jad file of my successfull hello world is as follow
MIDlet-Jar-Size: 6004
MIDlet-Jar-URL: .\HelloWorld.jar
MIDlet-Name: HelloWorld
MIDlet-Vendor: YourCompany
MIDlet-Version: 0.1
MIDlet-1: HelloWorld, , HelloWorld

but the fail one is as follow
MIDlet-Jar-Size: 6004
MIDlet-Jar-URL: .\HelloWorld.jar
MIDlet-Name: HelloWorld
MIDlet-Vendor: YourCompany
MIDlet-Version: 0.1

which means the last line is not generated by your
after i add that line
i solved my problem

and how to run more than one MIDlet on your plugin

i think the mobileset 3.01 has a wonderful idea
it can test everyone midlet
and there must be a way to solve the problem
may be i can change my jad files


i am now reading your source code
i hope i can find the reason



I assume you use the last build of J2MESupport (too long name isn't it :)) plugin. Could you please send me your HelloMidlet code, so I will test it my self to see what's the difference when switching to older WTK.
Talking about debugging, it is enabled now (last 2 builds),so you can try it. Nevertheless it does not work properly. I already reported the problem (I beleive something wrong with IDEA), which causes ThreadStateException once IDEA connects to emulator useing socket method. However I haven't got any response from IDEA team yet.




I am trying to use this very nice plugin on a simple
HelloWorld like MIDLet.
The build is successfull but when trying to run the emulator I get the following error message:

INFO - Let's start emulator with command: c:\intellij3.0\jre\bin\java -Dkvem.home=C:\SonyEricsson\J2ME_SDK_11\WTK104_01 -Djava.library.path=C:\SonyEricsson\J2ME_SDK_11\WTK104_01\bin -cp C:\SonyEricsson\J2ME_SDK_11\WTK104_01\wtklib\kenv.zip;C:\SonyEricsson\J2ME_SDK_11\WTK104_01\wtklib\ktools.zip;C:\SonyEricsson\J2ME_SDK_11\WTK104_01\wtklib\customjmf.jar com.sun.kvem.environment.EmulatorWrapper -Xverbose:class -Xdevice:SonyEricsson_P800 -classpath C:\java\MidLetTesting\dist\MyMidLets.jar -Xdescriptor:C:\java\MidLetTesting\dist\MyMidLets.jad

INFO - EmulatorTool: emulator process (java.lang.Win32Process@a992f9) started ...

INFO - java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "-Xdescriptor:C:\java\MidLetTesting\dist\MyMidLets.jad"

INFO - at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)

INFO - at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)

INFO - at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)

INFO - at com.sun.kvem.environment.KeepAliveConnection.processArgv(KeepAliveConnection.java:79)

INFO - at com.sun.kvem.environment.EmulatorWrapper.main(EmulatorWrapper.java:66)

INFO - Exception in thread "main"

INFO - RunEmulatorAction@ emulator process exit code: 1

Any ideas?

Lars Krog-Jensen


Hi Lars,
I suppose you use wtk2.0. This one is not fully supported by the plugin. I've had to hack into the WTK1.04 wtklib/kenv.zip in order to make it work and haven't have the time to do it for 2.0 yet. The SUN way to run emulator on command line is through emulator.exe. This program does some initialization on it's own before calling Java. Part of the init sequence is to pass as last parameter a port number, which is then used to keep some connection alive(I don't remeber what exactly). There is more, but this is the cause of the message you get.




Hi Pavlin,

No I am actually using the WTK 1.04 from SonyEricsson, see the info printout on the emulator startup!

Lars Krog-Jensen


Hi Lars,
sorry for my previous (too fast) answer :)
My next guess is, that the order of installation was:
1) J2MESupport plugin
2) WTK 1.04 from SonyEricsson

In case it is true, the idea is the same as above -
use the hacked kenv.zip ( distributed with the plugin) in place of the original one.
If this is not the case, I should experiment with SE toolkit before I guess again.




Hi Pavlin,

Thanx alot, the kenv.zip was the missing part.

Lars Krog-Jensen

