Grails - No auto-completion creating domain class, and no Grails view
Trying to run through a Grails Getting Started page, finding several discrepencies.
The page is
, and it claims that there is both a Project view and a Grails view. There is no Grails view.
Also, when trying to Execute a Grails Target in order to create a Domain class, there is no Auto-completion. So if I type cr after Ctrl Alt G, the Run Grails target dialog shows up, but it doesn't show any picklist like create-app, create-controller, etc.
Also, the instructions are outdated. It says to select Grails 1/2. I guess that works if you have an install Grails that is lower than version 3.
Regarding versions - please see the "Getting Started with Grails 3" tutorial.
Regarding the code compleation - this is a bug and the issue was created in our youtrack system.
Ok, so it's working as it should. Thanks, Elena.
There is a "workaround" for the grails command line completion bug. If you press TAB, the auto completion starts working (as long as the dialog is open).
Will take a look this week, thanks.