New EAP 135.666 is "smoking" Curtis Stanford 创建于 2014年04月01日 17:21 I think this is a pretty cool April fools joke (I hope). Once in a while, my IntelliJ windows starts to smoke. It goes away after 10 or 15 seconds. Scared the crap out of me the first time....
Also had a nice 2048 game pop-up on me.
Sorry to be a party pooper but I found these popups and random things happening in my IDE while trying to resolve a bug extremely annoying.
+1. How can i disable this?
Yes it is happening too often now, I thought it would only happen once or twice it is beyond annoying now.
Also when you guys are not too busy with implementing your sophomoric pranks, please fix Ctrl+Button1 jump to Declaration navigation.
+1 The IDE is getting worse. Pointless stuff is implemented. Bugs are not fixed.
Add to this the smoke screen

Did you do anything to trigger these?
I didn't see them at all.
I might revert back from 667 to 666 :)
Only worked on April 1