Debug certificate expired on 12/2/10 10:51 PM
I upgraded from IntelliJ IDEA 98.311 to IntelliJ IDEA 10.0 today. It's still EAP, right? 98.311 worked under my IntelliJ IDEA 9 license; with this upgade I switched to evaluation version 30-days - as it was suggested.
Now I can compile my existing Android application, but cannot run it: it gives me "Debug certificate expired on 12/2/10 10:51 PM" error. I tried to rebuild app, but it didn't help.
Any suggestions of how to resolve this issue?
Thank you
Vladimir Kelman
Google Profile
(on Linux and Mac OS X) (or on Windows). IDEA then generate a new certificate when you next try to build a debug package. You can report this problem to the tracker (, and we'll look for workaround.It seems, this is a common issue related to all android building tools (IDEA, Eclipse, ANT)
Please, delete your debug certificate under
Thank you Eugene. It was simple and helped immediatelly. I reported it to a bug tracker: issue/IDEA-62734