Can't Start IDEA X After Install
I downloaded the IDEA X install .exe and ran it. When I try to start IntelliJ I get the attached log message and a thread dump. The exception is:
Caused by: C:\Documents and Settings\mduffy\.IntelliJIdea10\system\index\filenameindex\FilenameIndex.ver (Access is denied)
I checked my /bin/ - the folders exist. What happened?
I think this is the issue where Windows assumes the.ver file is a pagefile (or similar) and locks access to the file. I think the filename just needs to be changed. I think if you search the forum or the bugs you can find more information and potentially a work around.
Hi Charles,
Thanks for the heads up, but I'm still not sorted out. I searched the issues log and forum for a solution, without success.
I hate to sound like such a helpless noob, but can you narrow it down for me a bit more? A link or an example might do the trick, unless I'm exceptionally thick today. Thanks.
try this link