Gutter width/line numbers?


I upgraded from 13 to 14.1 tonight, imported my old 13 settings and while I had no problems with that effort, the gutter is bothering me a bit.  In 13.x the gutter wasn't nearly as wide and the line numbers were segregated by a dotted vertical line within the gutter.  I think the gutter is wider because of these new inferred annotation @ signs.  Is there a way to clean this back up and add the vertical dotted line back and disable those @ signs and maybe reclaim some width?

Here's an image of what I'm talking about:



There is no way to disable it. In previous versions gutter could become wide too when multiple icons were stacked there.

You can submit a request at .

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Go to View > Active Editor > Disable "Show Gutter Icon"


You can make this the default setting by going to Settings > Editor > General > Gutter Icon and unchecking the "Show Gutter Icon"

Permanently deleted user

To make it permanent -

Right click on gutter > Configure gutter icons > Uncheck show gutter icons > Save 


Really surprised how much screen real estate the numbers column is given:

I love how netbeans deals with this while keeping a trim line numbers column:


Is there any way after those years to make the gutter bar thinner e.g. by wrapping icons or letting icons to replace a number? 

Now most of the gutter bar width is placeholder for something else.  


Smolek Martin 

The only way to make the gutter area narrower at the moment is to disable gutter icons altogether:



Oh my god thank you Arina Efremova ; I use a vertical monitor and the default 120 character line break is off my screen when the gutter icons are enabled because the file icon strip + gutter + line numbers + Python tab widths wastes so much space on the left.  I wish I could just get minimal line numbers and nothing else - leave a notch out for the icons in the top left and bottom and use all that wasted precious space in the middle for line numbers:

You can customize the gutter to minimize space usage. Enable compact mode, hide unnecessary icons, and adjust line numbering. Go to Settings > Editor > General > Appearance, and uncheck 'Show line numbers' or select a different line numbering mode.
