Commit Changes Dialog Lockup
Is anyone seeing similar behavior when accessing the "Commit Changes" (Ctrl-K) dialog? When I invoke it, my screen goes gray. I've observed the commit dialog finally appear after 20-30 minutes (though by then I've usually resorted to committing via command-line) Here's my system specs:
idea-IU-90.193 (though this has been an issue for last couple of versions)
subversion, svn+ssh protocol with password authentication (because for the life of me I can't get the authenticate with private key to work in IDEA).
(I can provide more specifics if needed).
Recently I've been making use of the tasks feature and creating changesets based on it -- perhaps this is something which caused the hangup? I can log as a bug if this isn't simply a problem with my enviornment or habits.
~ Keith
Could this be an Ubuntu manisfestation of this problem?
Hello Keith,
You should have a series of thread dumps in ~/.IntelliJIdea90/system/logs/threadDumps-xxx
from the session in which you experienced the hang. Please file a YouTrack
issue at and attach the thread dumps to it.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
I have created the issue IDEA-26075 per your instruction.