Please keep posting announcements in "Maia EAP build announcements"

Could Jetbrains please continue to post Maia build announcements in "Maia EAP build announcements"?  I have email notification setup on that thread so I get notifeid when I new buidl is available.  For the past couple EAP releases 90.94 and 90.116, no post has been made there, so I only found out about the new buidl by visiting the website.

Maia EAP build announcements




a> Could Jetbrains please continue to post Maia build announcements in
a> "Maia EAP build announcements"?  I have email notification setup on
a> that thread so I get notifeid when I new buidl is available.  For the
a> past couple EAP releases 90.94 and 90.116, no post has been made
a> there, so I only found out about the new buidl by visiting the
a> website.
a> Thanks,
a> -Alex
a> |  |  |  |
a> ---
a> Original message URL:


Also, please bring back the release notes too.


...and yeah, this actually means "bring back JIRA, too".



Hello Alex,

We already have far too many ways to get notified about EAP builds. The options
that you have now are (in order of preference):
- follow @intellijidea on Twitter
- subscribe to the RSS feed of announcements in
- watch the Maia EAP page on Confluence

Could Jetbrains please continue to post Maia build announcements in
"Maia EAP build announcements"?  I have email notification setup on
that thread so I get notifeid when I new buidl is available.  For the
past couple EAP releases 90.94 and 90.116, no post has been made
there, so I only found out about the new buidl by visiting the

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


So the perfectly good 7+ year-old newsgroup jetbrains.intellij.eap.announcements
has been deprecated in favour of Twitter, the current flavour-of-the-month
technology that is proprietary and offers far less functionality than NNTP?

As far as I'm aware, I need to sign up to Twitter to follow @intellijidea.
That's not something I'm particularly keen on doing. So I tried to subscribe
to the RSS feed instead (using Omea). That failed with "Exceeded maximum
redirect count" (using
That's OK, I'm not a big fan of RSS anyway (and in fact don't use it at all
currently) since it's read-only and (imho) suffers a range of limitations
and other problems. So I'll try Confluence, though it seems I have to create
an account there too and I expect the only form of notification I can receive
is by email. That's not ideal for me because I am limited to different email
addresses depending on whether I'm at home or work but I guess it's now my
best option. This all seems a bit of a step backwards for me; up until now
I've had all IDEA/EAP discussion and notifications (along with dozens of
other projects and applications - thanks Gmane!) happening via nothing but
NNTP. Maybe I'm just getting old and resistant to change! :)


DJ> Hello Alex,
DJ> We already have far too many ways to get notified about EAP builds.
DJ> The options
DJ> that you have now are (in order of preference):
DJ> - follow @intellijidea on Twitter
DJ> - subscribe to the RSS feed of announcements in
DJ> - watch the Maia EAP page on Confluence
>> Could Jetbrains please continue to post Maia build announcements in
>> "Maia EAP build announcements"?  I have email notification setup on
>> that thread so I get notifeid when I new buidl is available.  For the
>> past couple EAP releases 90.94 and 90.116, no post has been made
>> there, so I only found out about the new buidl by visiting the
>> website.

- follow @intellijidea on Twitter

This is not build announcements only

- subscribe to the RSS feed of announcements in

Doesn't seem to work? (Empty)

- watch the Maia EAP page on Confluence

Too manual

An RSS feed with build announcements only would suffice. If not, please continue posting to the newsgroup.

(at least post a last message to the newsgroup saying that it is discontinued, with info on where to find announcements now)


I eventually found the correct link for the RSS feed:

However, I would note to JetBrains that this wasn't obvious:

1. There is no direct link to the RSS feeds from the indicated home page - . I eventually found them via a Google search...  I subsequently noticed that they're available on the Forums pages.

2. It wasn't clear which feed to use. Announcements was empty. At the bottom, I switched to a different "Community" - Announcements (EAP); again, the Announcments feed was empty. It was only when I switched to Intellij IDEA EAP Users that the Announcments feed had the content I wanted.

I'd also echo the comments about Twitter - a) I don't want to use Twitter, and b) it's not just for build announcements.

As mentioned by others, this should all be easier and also more prominent.

BTW - fantastic product! And many thanks for open-sourcing it!!!


90.137 was released yesterday, but no post on
Even not mentioned on twitter..
Is the only option really to manually check the EAP site?



Sorry, I don't have permissions to do that.
I'll ask someone to post the link on Monday.






Announcements is now posted to
Thanks for that. But could you please post new announcements instead of editing the same post over and over? Not all RSS readers cope with that so well.

Screen shot 2009-11-08 at 8.36.39 PM.png


Generally please keep posting in Announcements (EAP) Forum not noly for Maia or remove it at all if You won't post where any more.
More over where are no-jre dist. links


Hello Ronny,

Announcements is now posted to

Thanks for that. But could you please post new announcements instead
of editing the same post over and over? Not all RSS readers cope with
that so well.

We do post new announcements. Most likely Clearspace doesn't reflect this
in the RSS feed correctly.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

