Intellij SVN randomly skips committing files

IntelliJ 12 SVN doesn't always commit everything that it needs to. I don't have any faith in the IDEs versioning integrity and so I am forced to use tortoise SVN, but I find this a ridiculous thing for me to have to do given the fact that this is a paid IDE.

Even simply running SVN commands from command line gives me a better result than what I experience with IntelliJ.
It acts like it has uploaded a file you've added. Only for you to hop on a plane, get to another site and see that, in-fact, it totally and randomly ignored committing some of your critical source files, creating random sprouts of CNF exceptions all over the place.

If this is a user error (whichI don't think it is given the randomness of the issue), then the jetbrains really needs to redesign their svn commit dialog to better highlight files that it is NOT adding to the commit. These files should be VISIBLE by default so I know to click/specify that I want them uploaded.

Everything else about the IDE, and especially it's code-completing intelligence, is supreme.

Permanently deleted user

What is exact case - all necessary files are displayed in "Commit dialog" but not all of them are committed? Or some files you want to be committed do not appear in the "Commit dialog"?
Are all files you want to be committed in the same changelist?

Please attach "Changes -> Local", "Commit dialog" and Affected Files of the corresponding revision screenshots and also idea.log (Help->Show Log in...) when the issue occurs next time.


First of all let me say that I use this IDE for GRAILS development.

When a class is created or a file is put into the project (even when I copy images to certain asset folders by grails) that file DOES NOT show up in the commit dialog.

IntelliJ feels it doesn't need to SHOW any new file in your project within the commit dialog until you explicitly right-click on that file and click subversion > Add by one. As opposed to eclipse which shows you everything in one place and you decide from there.

IntelliJ requires the user to manually scamper around the project file/folder structure before every commit to ensure that all new files (that they remember) have been manually rightclick>subversion>added to the repo prior to it showing up in the commit dialog for the actual commit. On missing some, this breaks builds and creates extreme anguish and time wasting in a huge team of developers with missing dependencies everywhere, trying to figure who forgot to rightclick>subversion>add what. 

This is an absolutely terrible design and I am surprised that this has been the state of this part of this commercial IDE for this long.
The code versioning side of IntelliJ leaves me with a profound lack of confidence so much so that I won't be using that part of the IDE for my future projects until it is thoroughly redisigned and properly thought right through.

Permanently deleted user

IntelliJ IDEA already has functionality you expect. Please take a look at "Version Control" -> "Confirmation" project settings and particularly "When files are created" section (see attached screenshot). I guess you have "Do not add" option selected - that is why newly created files are not added to source control. You could choose either "Add silently" or "Show options before adding to version control" - so that all new files will be either added to source control by default or corresponding confirmation dialog will be shown.

Please also take a look at this help page for more details.


I believe I would be speaking for everyone if I say this is something that should be turned on by default if they haven't done so already.
Anyone who adds new files into their source directories is more inclined to want those files added to the repo or at the very least, the communication must be very clear that they "Hey! These files are being excluded!".

In fact, the exception to new source files would be the user NOT adding them to the repo, not the other way round. Instead, It's just a very silent exclusion.

This terrible design just bit me again BTW, just when I was about to start trusting IntelliJ's versioning capabillities. Never again, I think. Consequences too dire.

Permanently deleted user

My preferred option is for IntelliJ to ask if the files need adding to version control, which it already does by default , I believe.

A lot of our builds automatically generate CSS files and other bits of runtime-only cruft that I don't want to see added automatically when a new base file appears.

