SQL dialect for HP Vertica
What would it take to have the SQL editor support a new dialect, namely, for HP Vertica analytics database?
It is simlar to Postgres SQL, but not identical.
For the meanwhile, is it possible to disable the Postgres dialect action that adds quotes around every table and column name?
For Vertica the most realistic way is to create a feature request in our bugtracker: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/DBE and then just wait.
Regarding quotes - when (after what actions) they are inserted? Please make sure that Settings / Code Style / SQL / General / Identifier quotation = Do not change (or Unquote, if it's Ok for you).
Alexander, I've tried to use your suggestion. Schema names are still quoted.
Do these identifiers have CameCase notation? Because quoting rules depend on each Database implementation and for PostgreSQL such identifiers should always be quoted, otherwise database will convert them to lower case.
Please also attach output from Test Connection button for your data source. Thanks.
Andrey, thank you for the reply. The output is:
Database: Vertica Database/07.02.0103
Driver name: vertica.jar
Driver version: 07.02.0100
JDBC version: 4.0
Case sensitivity: MIXED (quoted: MIXED)
Connection successful
No, they don't have CameCase and they get converted to upper case and wrapped in double quotes regardless of initial case (cam/lower/upper).
UPDATE: I've hit some option in section Settings / Code Style / SQL / General / Word Case and it helped. No double quotes around shema names any more. (Settings / Code Style / SQL / Identifier Quotation by itself was no help)
One more thing: autocompletion doesn't work. Could you please give me information on current and planned extent of Vertica's support. 10 to 20 of my colleagues are highly interested in your product and we would like to know the current state of affairs regarding Vertica. Found little information on BugTracker and Community forum.
Thanks for the information.
Completion of DB objects in SQL Console works, based on the information, introspected for the Data Source and the current schema which is selected as default in SQL Console.
For Vertica database there is no yet native introspection (it means that DataGrip extract DB information, based only on jdbc driver implementation). AFAIK there are no plans to implement it in the nearest future updates. You can follow related request in YouTrack for the status: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-1190