Open File in External Editor

Is it possible, i can't find any suitable setting, shortcut etc. I want
to open for instance an openoffice document, that lies in project folder
with external editor without switching to Windows Explorer & Co

Permanently deleted user

There is not anything built into IDEA. But take a look at the Native Neighbourhood plugin ( which provides this functionality.There are some other plugins in the "OS Integration" category ( that allow you to open a file in Explorer.

Permanently deleted user

Mark Vedder wrote:

There is not anything built into IDEA. But take a look at the Native Neighbourhood plugin ( which provides this functionality.There are some other plugins in the "OS Integration" category ( that allow yo
u to open a file in Explorer.

Original message URL:

Thank you Mark, i don't insist on integrated functionality, any plugin
will do ;)


>> There is not anything built into IDEA.
There is. It's called "External Tools" and I find it very useful.
File -> Settings -> External Tools.

Permanently deleted user

External Tools is exactly what I was looking for!

PHPStorm for it's static analysis then keybind to VS Code (or sublime, or what-have-you) for any 'tricky' editing, that this IDE isn't good at.


Native Neighbourhood plugin works very well for the OP's use case (and mine).

