Menu fonts on Ubuntu
does anybody know if it is possible to change the menu fonts in IntelliJ when using Ubuntu to something better (starting with being non-bold)? And how?
Edited by: Wim Deblauwe on Aug 18, 2008 12:01 PM
We have a related ticket, please follow:
Probably the easiest way is to tell IDEA to use the native GTK+ LnF (under Settings->Appearance).
Fonts are indeed no longer bold, but it looks quite ugly then otherwise. The tree in the project view for instance has a white background, but the tree elements themselves have a grey background. I only want to change the font.
Appearance > override default fonts by (4th checkbox)
BTW, Bitstream vera sans bold looks nice on idea menu's
(see for e.g. screenshot: )
BTW, by doing this, it'll override some other things as well, thus not only menu items (autocomplete dropdown entries etc)
Great tip, thanks. I really like that font also (but I'm using the plain version, not the bold one). What font are you using in the editor?
It got very expensive (I bought it for 40$, or less)
Wow, $40 for a font, very very expensive, but quite nice and you got a nice monitor too (1080p). By the way, what icon set do you use? mac4lin?
Do you use compiz fusion? If yes, have you ever in the situation that a popup dialog appears with no content?
Edited by: Thai Dang Vu on Aug 18, 2008 10:47 PM
Try ProFont. It's our choice since years - and free.
eclipse and netbeans are also free.
40$ is much, but if you share it with 10 people (10 workstations licence) it's 4$ a men..
yes, little bit modified..
>Do you use compiz fusion? If yes, have you ever in the situation that a popup dialog appears with no content?
yes. there are a lot of problems with compiz/intellij, however running idea with jdk1.6.0_10 solves all problems,
another nice font:
What is default menu font and editor (DejaVu Sans mono or other)? I am on Ubuntu and it uses default Ubuntu font but it is ugly. I want to change how it was before (this is happened after some update).