[solved] off-topic: Dmitry email


Sorry for posting off-topic.

I need to contact Dmitry Jemerov on an issue, but I can seem to be able to.
I wrote emails to his email address and also to Jetbrain's sales department, but I got no answer so I assume my emails are being blocked by a spam filter somehow.

The issue is pretty important to me, so if anyone knows him personally or knows a way to contact him, please let me know.

Dmitry, if you read this, please give me a way to contact you.

Thanks and sorry again for posting off-topic.

Edited by: Alexander Strotzky on Nov 11, 2008 3:25 PM

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for the suggestion.

Fortunately, Dimitry just contacted me and solved my issue.

Sorry again for posting off-topic.

