A few things from Eclipse user
I am a JUG leader and I am happy, that I received personal license of IntelliJ IDEA from JetBrains. Your cooperation is really great! In my company, people using Eclipse IDE, so am I, and a few things are very annoying for me and I think for all Eclipse users. They are:
1) For now IntelliJ is the most slow IDE I've ever tried. Long launching, running. Even focusing on menu. (I used/use Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ on the same laptop)
2) In company we often work on a few projects which consist on a one product. Why I cannot see more than one project in one window?
3) All editor space is like it would have white spaces. Really weird for me, why I cannot disable this?
4) I also can't find something like "Synchronize perspective" in Eclipse, where can I easly compare all files which I changend or people in my team.
IntelliJ has great support for many technologies, but these things are annoying to much for me. Maybe you can help me to solve my problems and implement something into IntelliJ?
Thanks for your help!
Hello Leszek,
We're constantly trying to optimize the performance of IntelliJ IDEA, and
I hope that you'll find IDEA 8 to be faster and more responsive than IDEA
7. If you encounter specific operations which are slow, you can use the CPU
snapshot feature (http://support.jetbrains.com/kb/entry.jspa?externalID=192&categoryID=5)
to report them to us.
It's mostly a matter of naming: an Eclipse project corresponds to an IDEA
module. You can configure a multi-module project in IDEA and work with it
in one window.
You can. Settings | Editor | Behavior | Allow placement of caret after
end of line
See the Changes view. The Local tab shows you the files that you have changed,
and the Incoming tab shows the files changed by your colleagues which you
haven't updated to yet.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
I must admit that so far I'm not seeing any improvement in 8. For me 7 has been a lot more responsive. It's not that there seems to be a bottleneck in any particular area. To me it seems like it's slower overall. One of the more annoying things are the little delays in things like menus and popups. Startup time to open the IDE with my medium sized project isn't great either. 2 minutes. I'll admit my machine isn't cutting edge but it's not all that slow.
I am impressed with how stable this EAP has been however. I've encountered very few bugs/problems compared to past EAPs.
Edited by: Glen Stampoultzis on Sep 30, 2008 11:49 AM
Glen --
You should try sending some performance snapshots to the JetBrains team.
They have been very responsive to working with people to improve performance
for specific scenarios. I work on a 90+ module project that I have carried
over from IJ 7 to 8.0 and for me, 8.0 is significantly faster in every
aspect. I have much faster startup times, faster shut down times, and much
faster overall editing performance.
The only aspect of 8.0 that is slower for me is that anytime when I change
any type of configuration setting in any one of my modules, IDEA tends to
scan for files to index which takes about 15-25 seconds. I think this is
because I have a large amount of JAR files associated to my project and it
tends to re-scan my WAS 6.1 server JARs (global library) which I have
associated to every module through the export library function.
What is your system specs? I've also found that keeping your HD defragmented
helps a lot once IDEA has built its cache. Also, for my particular
situation, I have to up the XMX memory for IDEA from the default 256 to 512
because of the amount of modules I have in my project.
"Glen Stampoultzis" <gstamp@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> We're constantly trying to optimize the performance of IntelliJ IDEA, and
>> I hope that you'll find IDEA 8 to be faster and more responsive than IDEA
>> 7. If you encounter specific operations which are slow, you can use the
>> CPU
>> snapshot feature
>> (http://support.jetbrains.com/kb/entry.jspa?externalID=192&categoryID=5)
>> to report them to us.
Thanks Grant.
Interesting that you're having such a different experience. My project is comparatively very small with only 8 modules. They do have a lot of libraries included however.
How does my 2 minutes to start up compare with your project?
My machine is a laptop with a Pentium M 2.13GHz single core processor. 2 Gig of RAM. I haven't adjusted the max memory but I might increase it to see how it effects performance.
I'm also defragging my harddrive now to see if that helps. It has been a while so I'm sure it couldn't hurt. Failing all that I'll try and get a snapshot happening.
Maybe you already know it, maybe you don't: JkDefrag is an excellent tool
for that task.
Yes I've used that. It just finished actually.
I can't do FTP uploads from where I am so I've uploaded one here:
This is just me opening some drop down menus. This is noticeably laggy on my machine.
BTW, defragging didn't improve my startup time unfortunately.
Hello Glen,
This snapshot shows opening the menus for the first time after you open the
project. This is known to be slow, because we perform lazy loading of action
classes, and this slowness should go away when you access these menus subsequently.
We're going to implement additional pre-loading of actions to avoid this
slow response without compromising initial startup time.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Thank you for all replies!
Could you tell me how? Or maybe there is any tutorial?
I think what Dmitry means, is that you can use multiple modules in one project. In our project, it looks like this:
+-- project-domain +-- project-services +-- project-services-impl +-- project-utls ]]>
Just add a module, I'd say. I don't think you need a tutorial for that?
Of course. I'm still thinking like Eclipse ;]
Thanks for all!
I find that removing a lot of the default plugins for technologies that I don't use speeds up the load time.
I have also changed the idea.vmoptions file in the bin directory to:
There are several other posts about vmoptions that might make your session feel more snappy.