invalid jsp or bug
I have a jsp that starts with the line:
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
IDEA shows the tag as red and says element taglib not allowed here.
I wonder why it thinks that. I am guessing I have something misconfigured,
Thanks in advance for any help regarding this.
Hello Spencer,
Looks like
Hi there,
I face the same issue and would like to get more details, but jira link above lo longer works.
"Java EE: EJB, JPA, Servlets" plugin was disabled, enabling it and adding web facet to module solved my issue.
The response by Tamas Utasi still did not help, as despite me adding the JavaEE facet to the module, the error on JSP page ('Page directive not allowed here") does not disappear. Any other settings to be done to make a plain/simple JSP work in Intellij IDEA?
Are you sure the code is correct and the application works fine outside of IntelliJ IDEA?
If yes, please share a sample project. You can use for that
Yes indeed Konstantin Annikov. The source code is right. The irony was that I am still able to execute it in Intellj IDEA itself. But only thing is that it keeps showing as an error by highlighting the keyword in red color , and also I dont get the context sensitive assistance on the JSP tags/directives,which usually any IDE should help to quickly pick up the parameters or arguments.
Seems to be a bug specific to your context then. May you create a new YouTrack item with a code sample?
Sure, let me do it then. Thank you !