Are any of these eclipse features implemented in eclipse
- Filter imports: Most of the jars in the classpath are only for runtime and never need be imported into project code. Eclipse supports excluding classes and packages from import quickfixes.
- Create getter/setter via quickfix: In eclipse, if you have a field named "foo" and type "getF" eclipse offers to create the getFoo() method. Is there a fast way to do this idea without having to invoke a menu?
BTW, I know about the "Generate...->Getter->select from popup" method of creating getters and setters in idea (and the keystrokes). But I'm looking for something more direct like how eclipse does it.
Settings -> Code Completion -> Exclude from Import and Completion
The 'Unused symbol' inspection offers quickfixes for creating getters/setters. Position the cursor on field 'foo', press Alt+Enter, and select from the list of quickfixes.
Excellent. I looked but missed that.
But this still requires that I move all the way up the field and work thru some menus. Even then, the getter may not be placed where I want it.
Seems I'll have to submit an issue for this one.
thanks Martin!
Barry Kaplan wrote:
You might find installing the Key Promoter plugin handy - shows you all
the keystrokes when you invoke an action/item. Very handy for learning
quicker ways of doing things.
Dragisa Krsmanovic wrote:
>> - Create getter/setter via quickfix: In eclipse, if you have a
>> field named "foo" and type "getF" eclipse offers to create the
>> getFoo() method. Is there a fast way to do this idea without having to
>> invoke a menu?
Like I said in my reply to my original post
Where the "and the keystroke" referred to Alt-Insert.
Generate.. is fine, but its not as direct as typing "setF" then "Ctrl-Space" and getting autocomplete for "getFoo()"
(BTW, I used Idea from ~1.5 thru 5.x before switching over to Eclipse. Now I am trying to come back. Its interesting the areas of "pleasure" are quite different between the two IDEs.)