Are any of these eclipse features implemented in eclipse

- Filter imports: Most of the jars in the classpath are only for runtime and never need be imported into project code. Eclipse supports excluding classes and packages from import quickfixes.

- Create getter/setter via quickfix: In eclipse, if you have a field named "foo" and type "getF" eclipse offers to create the getFoo() method. Is there a fast way to do this idea without having to invoke a menu?


Permanently deleted user

BTW, I know about the "Generate...->Getter->select from popup" method of creating getters and setters in idea (and the keystrokes). But I'm looking for something more direct like how eclipse does it.

Permanently deleted user

- Filter imports: Most of the jars in the
classpath are only for runtime and never need be
imported into project code. Eclipse supports
excluding classes and packages from import

Settings -> Code Completion -> Exclude from Import and Completion

- Create getter/setter via quickfix: In
eclipse, if you have a field named "foo" and type
"getF" eclipse offers to create the getFoo() method.
Is there a fast way to do this idea without having to
invoke a menu?

The 'Unused symbol' inspection offers quickfixes for creating getters/setters. Position the cursor on field 'foo', press Alt+Enter, and select from the list of quickfixes.

Permanently deleted user

Settings -> Code Completion -> Exclude from Import and Completion

Excellent. I looked but missed that.

The 'Unused symbol' inspection...

But this still requires that I move all the way up the field and work thru some menus. Even then, the getter may not be placed where I want it.

Seems I'll have to submit an issue for this one.

thanks Martin!

Permanently deleted user

Barry Kaplan wrote:

- Create getter/setter via quickfix: In eclipse, if you have a field named "foo" and type "getF" eclipse offers to create the getFoo() method. Is there a fast way to do this idea without having to invoke a menu?



You might find installing the Key Promoter plugin handy - shows you all
the keystrokes when you invoke an action/item. Very handy for learning
quicker ways of doing things.

Dragisa Krsmanovic wrote:

Barry Kaplan wrote:

>> - Create getter/setter via quickfix: In eclipse, if you have a
>> field named "foo" and type "getF" eclipse offers to create the
>> getFoo() method. Is there a fast way to do this idea without having to
>> invoke a menu?


Permanently deleted user


Like I said in my reply to my original post

BTW, I know about the "Generate...->Getter->select from popup" method of creating
getters and setters in idea (and the keystrokes). But I'm looking for something more
direct like how eclipse does it.

Where the "and the keystroke" referred to Alt-Insert.

Generate.. is fine, but its not as direct as typing "setF" then "Ctrl-Space" and getting autocomplete for "getFoo()"


(BTW, I used Idea from ~1.5 thru 5.x before switching over to Eclipse. Now I am trying to come back. Its interesting the areas of "pleasure" are quite different between the two IDEs.)

