Quiz: What file am I editting?
This is a question I ask myself a lot .. what file do I currently have open in IDEA?
Can you see it on this screenshot?
There are three places that could potentially show the current file open in the editor. None of them works:
The window title bar: as you can see the title is so long that it is truncated. No filename there.
The Navigation Bar: well, this thing rocks, but when there is too much info to show it becomes retarded and simply doesn't show anything anymore, turning it into useless screen estate. Why not add some nice scroll arrows there and always display the rightmost part of the current path it is showing. In full. This just makes no sense at all.
The tabs above the editor: maybe your eyes are better than mine. But I do not see any difference between the tabs.
A beer for the correct answer. More beers for someone who actually spends some time on usability issues like this :)
This is in 6.0.4. Where can I report this as an official bug for Selena? I'm a bit confused about the different JIRAs now.
Window Title Bar
Either get a better monitor - I always see my file names running at 1900x1200 ;) - or drop the redundant prefixes "vision-processor-distributed" from you module/source root name. There's not much JetBrains can do about that. (Though there is a request in Jira somewhere to have the information in the title bar configurable, so that you could omit the module for example.)
Navigation Bar
That's definitly a bug. File it at http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/ in Project "Idea: Feedback" (That's the only Idea project where users can create issues. JetBrains then moves the issue to one of the other Idea projects.)
The tabs
Try another LAF: Settings -> IDE -> Appearance
For example with "IDEA (4.5 default)" the distinction between selected and other tabs is very clear.
+1 to that, see mine http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/5577/54593211qg4.png
In your Project Tree view, enable the "Auto Scroll From Source" button.
That feature will automatically select and scroll to make visible the tree node that you're editing.
I really really really hate that feature actually. And therefore I have it turned off.
No beer for you!
+1 to fix the Alloy theme? Or +1 to switch to another theme?
+1 to the first, -1 to the latter :)
On 2007-02-22 02:41:30 +0300, Stefan Arentz <no_reply@jetbrains.com> said:
You know for sure we can't fix Alloy.
Another workaround would be switching
"Settings|Editor|Appearance|Editor tabs in single row" off.
Maxim, what about having a simple subsitution template for the Window title? I would set it to $ instead of ${project.name}-[${project.path}]-[${module.name}]-${file.name}
The active editor tab in Selena seem to be a bit higher. Gives a much better visual clue. Is this a new release of Alloy?
I thought there was a Jira issue for that, but the closest I have found is
Maxim: Should we use this Jira issue for the template solution or should I create a new one? I'd like to have something to vote for...
On 2007-02-22 17:16:31 +0300, Stephen Friedrich <no_reply@jetbrains.com> said:
Let's vote there and comments for actual functionality (like template
patterns) are appreciated.
If you would like to vote for this one: