Webservices Client and PUT method

I'm working on a WebServices project and would like to use the REST Client to perform a PUT web service call.

How does one inject "content" in to the PUT method in the IntelliJ REST Client?  All I see is "Request Parameters.  Is there another place I can put XML that would be the PUT content?


Stephen McConnell


While I haven't yet found out how to do this in IntelliJ, I did find an open-source Java App (which means it will run on my Mac and Linux boxes) REST Client for testing this.  It works very well.   Maybe someone will add this as an IntelliJ plugin....


Stephen McConnell


This used to work by providing the file and setting Content-Type. But in the latest release setting the file name will cause something like this in content  'xxxxxxContent-Disposition: form-data; name="xxxx.json"; filename="xxxx.json"Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=ISO-8859-1Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary{xxxxxxxx}--xxxxxxxxx--'

