How to add command line arguments for Database plugin

The problem is in the following: Intellij Idea Database plugin cannot connect to Oracle database.
The reason is:

Connection to Data Source failed

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1

ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified

Oracle database has some strange problems with non-english locations and languages. I need to add '-Duser.region=us -Duser.language=en' as VM args and it will resolve the problem. At least, it resolved connection problem in Tomcat.
As far as Database plugin run as a separate process, I need to add these args to database plugin's VM, but I do not know how to do it.

I tried to add this args to idea.exe.vmoptions, but it did not help.

Eventually, I need to add  '-Duser.region=us -Duser.language=en'  to database plugin command line or resolve the issue with connection to Oracle in another way.



I do it so.

Main menu / Run / Edit Run Configurations. Create one of Query Language Console type. Provide necessary VM options ('-Duser.region=us -Duser.language=en').

Data Sources tool window: open the data source properties dialog, Console tab. Set your configuration in the Default Run Configuration field. So, the console & connection will run with those options.



It works!!! Thank you! Thank you very much!!! :)

