Intellij 10.5 restarting Tomcat whenever I compile jsp file
Hi there,
Ever since I upgraded Intellij from version 9 to 10.5, The Tomcat server keeps restarting itself whenever I Compile (package) a jsp file, this didn't happen before in version 9 as Intellij would just refresh the jsp file without the need to restart Tomcat.
Any help sorting this out would be much appreciated as it's quite annoying.
Many thanks,
check your context. xml definition in tomcat, probably it has reloadable=true, so tomcat reload app on any detected change regardless whether it's a war or an exploded deployment.
regards, Alex
If the WAR is not deployed why Tomcat notices that it is changed? Perhaps you specified /webapps as the output directory for the WAR so
the WAR is deployed.
I've created an issue about Maven resource filtering in our tracker:
Nikolay Chashnikov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Indeed it doesn't notice that it changes if you delete it first.
However, as I mentioned, if you package a resource, in IDEA X (not 9) the WAR is then created. Next time I start Tomcat, it watches the newly created WAR.
Nothing has changed in our configuration - this a problem that has arisen purely having upgraded from IDEA 9 to X.
Alvaro sent you our configuration a lot earlier on in this post.
Thanks for that.
Can you also create an issue for the problem of update / creation of the WAR when a resource is packaged?
Why do you think that Tomcat watches the newly created WAR? If the WAR isn't deployed by IDEA, isn't placed under /webapps directory and isn't
deployed by some external tool Tomcat will not be able to find it at all.
Also as I've already said behaviour of 'Package file' was the same in IDEA 9: it will also create the WAR if it was deleted.
Nikolay Chashnikov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Well, it's running with the Tomcat Server configuration within Intellij, deploying the war exploded. I don't know how this works internally, but running via this, Tomcat IS monitoring the WAR in the target dir.
If, running Tomcat within Intellij, you touch an existing WAR in your target dir, does Tomcat (6) not reload the webapp for you?
Not true for us. In IDEA9 the WAR was not created or updated when files were packaged. This has changed in IDEA X for us, without any other changes to our code.
Yes, if the WAR isn't deployed it doesn't affect Tomcat for me.
You can enabled additional logging in Tomcat to see which file triggers reloading. Uncomment the following lines in /conf/
org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.level = FINE
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.level = FINE
After that Tomcat should periodically print lines like "Checking context[] redeploy resource..." to the output so you will be able to see which files
are watched for changes.
Nikolay Chashnikov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
We have a standard tomcat instalation, I've checked contect.xml and the only watched resources are web.xml, which is the default. We do have reloadable=true set on the host in server.xml too, we haven't modified this configuration since upgrading from version 9 to 10?
<!-- Define the default virtual host
Note: XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
<!-- Default set of monitored resources -->
You have to investigate server.xml and context.xml under the directory listed at tomcat startup time(in bold):
try to just clean artifact.
regards, Alex
We don't use CATALINA_BASE - so it is the same as CATALINA_HOME for us.
I don't run directly, I run the webapp through Intellji.
All the Tomcat config appears to be copied to the .IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/ dir each time (why??)
This includes a server.xml (which seems to override the original one in CATALINA_HOME).
Also, the the file in .IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/xxx/Catalina/localhost/intl.xml (our context file) seems to have the Context docBase dynamically inserted.
I have to reiterate that all this is exactly the same as what happend under IDEA 9. It worked then. It doesn't now. Something in IDEA X has changed.
What about if the WAR exists, does it affect you then?
Thanks, good tip. This is the FINE logging I get, with ignored.war being the name of the WAR file I do NOT want to be watched:
FINE: Processing context [/intl] configuration file /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig conf/context.xml
FINE: Successfully processed context [/intl] configuration file /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig conf/context.xml
FINE: Processing context [/intl] configuration file /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf Catalina/localhost/context.xml.default
FINE: Processing context [/intl] configuration file /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/Catalina/localhost/intl.xml null
FINE: Successfully processed context [/intl] configuration file /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/Catalina/localhost/intl.xml null
FINE: Processing context [/intl] web configuration resource file:///home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/web.xml
FINE: Parsing application web.xml file at jndi:/localhost/intl/WEB-INF/web.xml
FINE: Watching WatchedResource '/home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/context.xml'
FINE: Watching WatchedResource '/home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/Catalina/localhost/intl.xml'
FINE: Watching WatchedResource '/home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/web.xml'
FINE: Checking context[/intl] redeploy resource /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/Catalina/localhost/intl.xml
FINE: Checking context[/intl] redeploy resource /home/jcavell/work/webapp/target/ignored
FINE: Checking context[/intl] redeploy resource /home/jcavell/work/webapp/target/ignored.war
FINE: Checking context[/intl] reload resource /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/web.xml
FINE: Checking context[/intl] reload resource /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/context.xml
FINE: Checking context[/intl] reload resource /home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat/runConfig/conf/Catalina/localhost/intl.xml
Again, I'd like to say that the problems we're seeing did not occur in IDEA 9.
How do I stop this stuff being watched?
Don't you? Take a look a the IDEA console when you start tomcat from within idea.
For me the problem is mutiple context defintions. Some cached at the moment of creation Tomcat server and one generated dinamically by idea. You can see it in the logs . Insistently suggest you to investigate content of CATALINA_BASE taken from idea console to see the problem. Can bet, once you setup new clean tomcat without any modifications the problem will disappear.
regards, Alex
I'm not sure what you mean by this - but if you mean look in the server tab when I run Tomcat within IDEA, then there is no mention of CATALINA_BASE.
What changes are you proposing I make? I've already deleted all Tomcat server configurations and configured new ones and have the same problem.
You have to download tomcat from apache, unzip it any dir you like. Create new server definition within idea, then try to deploy your artifact to this server.

To check is it tomcat related issue - open shell, set catalina_base to the same value as then started from within idea, and start tomcat. try to modify jsp and most probably you'll get the same behavior.
I used to see usual tomcat output within idea, can't imagine how it could another:
deleted - duplicated message
For us, In IDEA 9, the webapp:war configuration points to a different WAR than in IDEA X. This setting is imported from Maven (it changes whenever a different Maven profile is chosen). Maybe this was a latent bug that has been fixed in IDEA X.
In IDEA 10, our WAR is called 'ignored.war'. The webapp:war exploded configuration (the same for both 9 and X) has the output directory set to /webapp/target/ignored
Packaging in IDEA 9 updates the different WAR file - one that isn't watched by Tomcat - and so does not result in the webapp being redeployed.
Packaging in IDEA X updates ignored.war, watched by Tomcat, and results in the webapp being redeployed.
If I edit Artifacts -> webapp:war and change the name of the war file, or delete the artifact completely, then run webapp:war exploded, packaging a file does not update the WAR file.
This is an IDEA bug. Changing the configuration of webapp:war should not influence the running of webapp:war exploded. The WAR should not be updated when a resource is packaged in war exploded mode.
Please let me know when you plan to fix this.
PS There seems to be very little I can do about all this. The server.xml configuration that IDEA copies over whenever a Tomcat Server config is run clobbers my setting of autoDeploy="false"
PPS Because changing a Maven profile results in the reloading of the Artifacts config, this clobbers any changes I might make here too.
maven synch is bit pain in the ass, there are some workarounds, see:
I have a work around for this problem.
If you follow the steps below, Hot Deploy will work exactly as it did with IDEA 9.
* Go to Project Settings (click on your Project and press F4)
* Click on Artifacts
* Click the + button to create a new Artifact
* Choose "Web Application Exploded" -> choose "From Modules" -> choose "webapp"
* Name it e.g. "war:exploded"
* Click the + button to create a new Artifact
* Choose "Web Application Archive" -> choose "For war:exploded"
* Change the Output directory for "war:exploded" to the existing value for your exploded war)
Then simply create a new Tomcat Server configuration (or replace the old ones):
* Click on Edit Run Configurations
* Choose "Tomcat Server" -> right click for "Add new configuration"
* In the Deployment tab Click the + button and choose "war:exploded"
* Remember to put in the Application Context,
* Untick "Build war:exploded artifact" if this is checked
Hi Jonny,
my warkaround is somewhat similar (as described in one of the issues I mentioned)
1. create new artifact (of type "Other")
2. change output directory *and* add exisiting expoloded artifact (war) to it.
This is the step I always do (at least when using maven)..
I think the actual problem is that ignored.war is watched by Tomcat despite it isn't deployed. If we change 'Package File' action to update only
deployed artifacts it may leads to problems for other users. E.g. someone may use 'Package File' to update some archive deployed by an external app
not by IDEA.
So I think the right way to handle the problem is fixing Tomcat configuration to avoid watching ignored.war file. Which version of Tomcat do you use?
Could you please try to install a fresh copy of Tomcat, setup the run configuration in IDEA to use it and clear
/home/jcavell/.IntelliJIdea10/system/tomcat directory to see if it helps?
Nikolay Chashnikov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
That was it for me.
Thanks Christian!
~ Mike