Where is last project pulled from

I am trying to separate out my 5.1 and 6.0 installs and projects. Looks like I am golden on the caches\configs but when I switch between IDEA versions it is pulling up my last project accessed across the two Intellij versions. Is their a way to block this or do I have something setup wrong. Looks like my Demetra caches, vcs etc.. are being populated properly so it is just the last accessed IPR that seems to get in the way.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Peter,

Last project open stored in config folder. Having separate configs for 5.0
and Demetra is generally good idea.


Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

I am trying to separate out my 5.1 and 6.0 installs and projects.
Looks like I am golden on the caches\configs but when I switch between
IDEA versions it is pulling up my last project accessed across the two
Intellij versions. Is their a way to block this or do I have
something setup wrong. Looks like my Demetra caches, vcs etc.. are
being populated properly so it is just the last accessed IPR that
seems to get in the way.

Permanently deleted user

I keep my IDEA projects in a directory separate from the source code. The directory just contains the IPR IML etc. files. My source code is on a different mapped network drive Z:\


To move to Demtra, I made a copy of this directory and renamed it


Then in IDEA I opened the project file under this directory.

Also, whenever I know that I am switching to a new version, I will Close Project before Exiting the old version, so that the new IDEA won't touch my old project files. It will startup with blank workspace; Then I do Open Project with the new projects files.

