What about the file cache conflict? *exasperated*


whats about the bug http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEA-553 and other similar bugs? Will it never be fixed?

I only want to synchronize the current edit window before intellij change the file state to modified....

I think this grmpf Filecacheconflict can be avoided easily. But I get at least two times a week such a file cache conflict and don't know how to avoid this - grrrrrrrrr

Only notepad is worse than intellij regarding file synchronisation.

Permanently deleted user

Re: autosync,

I also had to turn off General->Synchronize files on frame activation, because it would take too long when switching between IDEA and other applictions.

I would also like the autosync option to have additional choices for the scope,e.g.

Synchronize files on frame activation


Also, many times when I manually click the synchronize toolbar button it is becase the current file in the Editor needs to be synced up.

It would be great if IDEA automatically synced up all the files with Tabs in the Editor pane first, and then go and do the full synchronization.

Then, the file I am currently looking at will be immediately synced up and I can continue working while IDEA keeps synching in the background.

Another annoyance with the autosync or manual sync, is that if the IDEA finds some new files, it sometimes pops up a progress bar dialog which interrupts what you are doing. I think it says "Parsing files.." or something.

I think the progress bar has been discussed before in other contexts, and it was suggested that IDEA show the progress in a docked window or a status bar?

Permanently deleted user

I would also like the autosync option to have
additional choices for the scope,e.g.

Synchronize files on frame activation



It would be great if IDEA automatically synced up all
the files with Tabs in the Editor pane first, and
then go and do the full synchronization.

Then, the file I am currently looking at will be
immediately synced up and I can continue working
while IDEA keeps synching in the background.


Another annoyance with the autosync or manual sync,
is that if the IDEA finds some new files, it
sometimes pops up a progress bar dialog which
interrupts what you are doing. I think it says
"Parsing files.." or something.

I think the progress bar has been discussed before in
other contexts, and it was suggested that IDEA show
the progress in a docked window or a status bar?

Ya, this needs to be in a non-blocking/modal window.

Basically, anything that has focus is synced at a high priority, anything else, don't bother me while you do it.



I definitely agree. I had to turn off "synchronize on frame activation" also. I would like to have left that on, but have it synchronize all the open edit windows first, and the rest in the background without bothering me.

Permanently deleted user

It's been 12 years that this bug is around, and NO BUG FIX was released.

