Find class within module?

I use Find Class (Ctrl-N) and Find File (C-S-N) all the time. Now I have different modules representing different branches of our project, but these commands always return the same file or class multiple times (one for each branch) - is it possible to restrict the results to the current module? I guess "current module" is ambiguous, I'd define it as "the module for the currently open file in the editor".

Permanently deleted user

10, I've been dieing for this lately. Trying to find "applicationContext.xml" using CTRLALT+N on my current project is tricky, given that the dialog will show one match for each of my 21 modules...

Problem is: I don't know how we could do that without making it hard to use. Add a checkbox "search current module only"? I don't know if that would work. Sorting by proximity, showing the files "closer" to the one you're currently editing first? Hmm, this may work.

Brainstorm time, let's see if we can come up with something feasible.


How about drop-down list of all modules ? The default entry in the list is "All Modules", when some module is picked up - the search result is filtered immediately.

+ being able to operate all this with keyboard only.

Permanently deleted user
