3214 lost my settings

After installing build 3214 (by removing my last install's lib and plugins directory and then unzipping 3214 over it) I noticed my configuration settings like (color-scheme, code style etc.) had disappeared.

Upon further inspection, it turned out that the cause of this was that my settings are now kept in ~/.IntelliJIdea, whereas I had previously installed IDEA to store its settings in the IDEA folder itself.

Is keeping your settings in the IDEA folder no longer supported?

Permanently deleted user

Luke Hutteman wrote:

After installing build 3214 (by removing my last install's lib and plugins directory and then unzipping 3214 over it)

I wouldn't recommend this. Unzip to a new directory, copy relevant bits
across (like idea.properties).

Upon further inspection, it turned out that the cause of this was that my settings are now kept in ~/.IntelliJIdea, whereas I had previously installed IDEA to store its settings in the IDEA folder itself.

I believe you can just edit idea.properties in the bin directory to
change where your settings are stored.


Gordon Tyler (Software Developer)
Quest Software <http://www.quest.com/>
260 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 4L5, Canada
Voice: (416) 933-5046 | Fax: (416) 933-5001

