Enum comma being reported as an error
I have an enum such as {A.class, B.class,} // NOTE THE TRAILING COMMA
I have language level set to Java 5.0 for my project.
As far I've read the trailing comma is legal but IDEA is reporting it as an error.
Is this an inpsection I can change and if so which one?
On 3/3/2010 8:00 PM, Martin Zardecki wrote:
I doubt that.
You might have an enum such as:
enum MyEnum {A, B,}
Is that what you have? If not, please post the exact code that is
causing the error (or if you can't, then create a new code that does)
Very specifically the following gets reported as an error
Hi Martin,
Conclusion: IDEA incorrectly highlights trailing comma at annotation array initializer as an error.
Please submit corresponding ticket about that to IDEA tracker.
Regards, Denis
Ticket created...
I assigned it to responsible developer.