Ant 1.6 support

We are working on Ant 1.6 support in Pallada.
SCR (Support for
ant 1.6) was splitted into several SCRs.

Please write what features of ant 1.6 do you use and what support you want
from Idea.

macrodef support
import support
presetdef support


Dmitry Peshehonov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"


Wish I could say for sure, but we are switching to Ant.

We plan to use it to get out of CVS by a tag, compile the code and
deploy to a server via SCP. We may also use it to restart the
applications (also Tomcat).

Norris Shelton
Sun Certified Java Programmer

Dmitry Peshehonov (JetBrains) wrote:

>We are working on Ant 1.6 support in Pallada.
>SCR (Support for
>ant 1.6) was splitted into several SCRs.
>Please write what features of ant 1.6 do you use and what support you want
>from Idea.
>macrodef support
>import support
>presetdef support



I would like to see following features:
- ability to switch between different versions of Ant (per project setting)
- support for Ant custom tasks, which are currently highlighted in red
- editing of .properties file mentioned in build.xml should offer name
autocompletion for existing properties
- maybe set of live template for common Ant constructs (fileset, etc.)
- live template for ${}
- graphical (tree or something) representation of dependencies within Ant to
get the feeling of proper dependency within build file
- ability to convert Idea project to set of Ant files (Aurora2Ant plugin
partially does that) with respect to multi module projects
- ability to create Idea project based on the build file (optional, but can
be useful)


"Michal Szklanowski" <> wrote in message

I would like to see following features:
- ability to switch between different versions of Ant (per project

Already done in Pallada. (however you still has no chance to see it working)

- support for Ant custom tasks, which are currently highlighted in red

Do you mean taskdef support? It does already work in Aurora (in some cases).

- editing of .properties file mentioned in build.xml should offer name
autocompletion for existing properties
- maybe set of live template for common Ant constructs (fileset, etc.)
- live template for ${}
- graphical (tree or something) representation of dependencies within Ant


get the feeling of proper dependency within build file
- ability to convert Idea project to set of Ant files (Aurora2Ant plugin
partially does that) with respect to multi module projects

In progress

- ability to create Idea project based on the build file (optional, but


be useful)



Dmitry Peshehonov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"


1) Allow switch between different versions of ant, e.g. 1.5.4 and 1.6, similar to how we can switch JDKs

#4767 Support for Ant commandline options (eg. -quiet)
(I see it is FIXED in Pallada)

BUG #12834 Ant settings lost if project open when mapped drive is disconnected.

I would like to be able to launch multiple targets in sucession in the background. I have added 200 package targets to my toplevel build.xml (See attached pic) Clicking any of those targets will recompile the specific package. For example, I click "compile api/event", then I click "jar_server", then click "jar_ftp", then "restart_server". These cannot be combined into a single target because there are too many permutations.
I waste alot of time because I click one target, then have to wait for it to finish before launching the second one, etc. I would like launch all the targets rapid fire and then have them all execute in succession in the background.

I am still unhappy with the filechooser, but that is a larger issue than ant tool. In ant tool, when I have to add NetComponents.jar so my "jar_ftp" target works, I have to navigate to my $ANT_HOME/lib.
The filechooser should allow you to save a list of favorate directories. Also, there should be an icon to goto the directory of the active file in EditorPane.
Also, a recently used list of directories would be nice.

Support for all the 1.6 features
(See for major features).
I am planning on using the macrodefs to simplify
some build.xml files. macrodefs let you create custom
tasks within the build.xml without writing any extra
java code. They'll probably give IDEA parser some problems.

7) I would like to specify default values for the Ant Build File Properties like Maximum Heap Size, Make build in background, Execution settings, Additional Classpath, Properties -- everything except the filter targets which are specific to each builld.xml file. I find I keep have to set the same settings for each build.xml file I add.


8) Provide some tools to pull build.xml information into IDEA project settings.

I understand it is very difficult/impossible for IDEA to translate a build.xml into a project.

However, I think there are a variety of tools IDEA could provide to help use import information.

For example,

a) The Libraries (Classpasth) Tab could have a button "Import build.xml". What it would do is scan the build.xml for all *.jar names in filelists/filepaths data structures, resolving any variable names,e.g. $(SOFTWARE_DIR) into the absolute paths. Then IDEA presents the list of jars to the user and allows him to select and add them to the classpath. (See attached pic for a jar filelist)

b) Alternatively, in the Editor Pane, if you place the caret on a *.jar filename, you could have Intention to add it to the Global/Module Classpath.

c) I would like an Intention for java targets for IDEA to create a new Run/Debug configuration, importing all the jvm args and classpath. Again, any macro like $(SOFTWARE_DIR), etc. would need to be resolved.

I have many Run targets in build.xml. This would be very helpful when I want to debug an application in IDEA.


Hello Dmitry,

We are working on Ant 1.6 support in Pallada.
(Support for
ant 1.6) was splitted into several SCRs.
Please write what features of ant 1.6 do you use and what support you
want from Idea.

macrodef support
import support
presetdef support

I use the import tag from Ant 1.6 (well I assume it is an Ant 1.6 thing because it doesn't work in Idea 4 - it does work from the command line, so I know it isn't a problem with the way I am using it!)

- scott


Ant refactorings:
- change variable name
- change target name
- move variable definition between targets

U¿ytkownik "Dmitry Peshehonov (JetBrains)" <> napisa³ w
wiadomo¶ci news:c37eme$ume$

We are working on Ant 1.6 support in Pallada.
SCR (Support


ant 1.6) was splitted into several SCRs.


Please write what features of ant 1.6 do you use and what support you want
from Idea.


macrodef support
import support

presetdef support




Dmitry Peshehonov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"



Alex wrote:

8) Provide some tools to pull build.xml information into IDEA project settings.

I understand it is very difficult/impossible for IDEA to translate a build.xml into a project.

I don't see full import/export as critical. But what I would like to
share between the is , , ]]>, etc. Specically, I
would like to import these ant elements into idea projects. These
aspects of the ant/idea dichotomy are what seems to get out of sync the

Barry Kaplan


Micha³ Szklanowski wrote:

Ant refactorings:
- change variable name
- change target name
- move variable definition between targets

- target depends hierarchy (ctrl-shift-h'ish) (but then there must be
support for subant in the same way I suppose)


Would like to see the ability to specify a custom build listener (normally specified by the -listener command line option).


Micha³ Szklanowski wrote:

Ant refactorings:
- change variable name
- change target name
- move variable definition between targets

Nice ideas! A few more:
- extract target
- inline (target | property)
- introduce property
- move property to/from external properties file

Vilya Harvey / digital steps /
(W) +44 (0)1483 469 480
(M) +44 (0)7816 678 457


"Ryan Lubke" <> wrote in message

Would like to see the ability to specify a custom build listener (normally

specified by the -listener command line option).
Already implemented in Pallada: you may specify any commandline option
except -logger.


Dmitry Peshehonov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"


- support for Ant custom tasks, which are currently

highlighted in red
Do you mean taskdef support? It does already work in
Aurora (in some cases).

Unfortunately, "some cases" does not seem to include my (pretty straightforward) case. In the following build script snippet, the ]]> custom task gets marked as an error:


Not exactly a 1.6 feature, but some online help popping up "à la javadoc popup" with the reference guide text for tasks inside would be wonderful: I hate having to move from IDEA to the browser, in general, and a shortcut such as "ctrl-q" is a much handier way to open documentation.

Also, the syntax highlitghting issues should be definitely solved: it's ugly having to live with ant build files which 2 or 3 red lines one can't remove (i.e.: middlegen plugins, ...). There at least should be a way to tell the system "hibernate" could be a "middlegen" subtask, so don't complain about this.


Hello Dmitry,

DP> "Ryan Lubke" <> wrote in message
>> Would like to see the ability to specify a custom build listener
>> (normally
DP> specified by the -listener command line option).
DP> Already implemented in Pallada: you may specify any commandline
DP> option except -logger.
At the beginning of Aurora we talked about being able to get the junit task output in IDEA builtin runner. It was delayed then dropped. Are you going to look into doing it? I will try to dig out the discussion thread.



Hello Barry,

BK> Alex wrote:
>> 8) Provide some tools to pull build.xml information into IDEA project
>> settings.
>> I understand it is very difficult/impossible for IDEA to translate a
>> build.xml into a project.
BK> I don't see full import/export as critical. But what I would like to
BK> share between the is , , , etc. BK> Specically, I would like to import these ant elements into idea BK> projects. These aspects of the ant/idea dichotomy are what seems to BK> get out of sync the most. BK>]]>


Hello Dmitry,

Here are some old requests:

Ctrl-W enhancements in ant:
Navigation to property files (both text and xml):
Run ant target at caret:
Renaming properties defined in property file:
Navigate through refid:



Ant outline, like in Eclipse 3.0M7.
Outlines all targets, and then, tasks within a build
file, but without parameters. Could be used to quickly
navigate Ant build.

U¿ytkownik "Dmitry Peshehonov (JetBrains)" <> napisa³ w
wiadomo¶ci news:c37eme$ume$

We are working on Ant 1.6 support in Pallada.
SCR (Support


ant 1.6) was splitted into several SCRs.


Please write what features of ant 1.6 do you use and what support you want
from Idea.


macrodef support
import support

presetdef support




Dmitry Peshehonov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"



Searching for Ant build files within project.


Still missing is the display of the currently executed ant-target (not only the build-file) in the header of the messages-tab.


Not right now - most likely not in 4.1. The most probable solution is to
implement a feature to import external tests log into JUnit console, and
provide a special formatter for Ant.


Dmitry Peshehonov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

"Jacques Morel" <> wrote in message

Hello Dmitry,


DP> "Ryan Lubke" <> wrote in message
>> Would like to see the ability to specify a custom build listener
>> (normally
DP> specified by the -listener command line option).
DP> Already implemented in Pallada: you may specify any commandline
DP> option except -logger.
At the beginning of Aurora we talked about being able to get the junit

task output in IDEA builtin runner. It was delayed then dropped. Are you
going to look into doing it? I will try to dig out the discussion thread.



See Ctrl-Q in


Dmitry Peshehonov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

"Davide Baroncelli" <> wrote in message
Not exactly a 1.6 feature, but some online help popping up "à la javadoc
popup" with the reference guide text for tasks inside would be wonderful: I
hate having to move from IDEA to the browser, in general, and a shortcut
such as "ctrl-q" is a much handier way to open documentation.

Also, the syntax highlitghting issues should be definitely solved: it's ugly
having to live with ant build files which 2 or 3 red lines one can't remove
(i.e.: middlegen plugins, ...). There at least should be a way to tell the
system "hibernate" could be a "middlegen" subtask, so don't complain about


Of course "so don't complain about this" was meant to say "so that IDEA does not complain about this"! ;)


- support for Ant custom tasks, which are currently highlighted in red

Yep. Good one.


Built-in support for the axis-java2wsdl ( and axis-wsdl2java ( tasks. Building and deploying a Web service is non-trivial and using Ant to automate the task out of IJ would be a great help for rebuilding and redeploying during development.

