intellij linux experience
I'm contemplating switching to linux (from windows) on my development box, and I was wondering what peoples' experiences were, preferably with 4.0.
I'm slightly leery, mainly from my mac os x intellij experiences, but aside from a common unix foundation, I realize they're different beasts...
btw, I have suse 9.0.
thanks for any responses.
Peter Morelli wrote:
I've just been through a project where all development workstation were
running RH 9.0.
The Company had licenses for idea 3 while I used one on 4.0 EAP builds.
works smoothly. used remote debugging (on a single box) a lot.
never had any issues, except that some standard idea shortcuts are
consumed by the OS/desktop rather than the app (!). I prefer kde over
gnome, but both allow to customize also the OS/desktop keybindings
so it's easy to find a compromise.
my personal dual-boot laptop has now all development sw moved to linux.
windows xp stays there for fun ;)
I use IDEA on linux and it works great. There are some annoying Linux-specific bugs, but from what I've seen on these forums, there are more Windows-specific bugs than Linux-specific ones.
Peter Morelli wrote:
everything works great, except jar copying on 2.6.x kernels (I do not
know how about resources..) - but this issue fixes -Didea.jars.nocopy=true
I dislike the fact that I never seem to get the focus on a popup window. This is extremely annoying when you try to only use the keyboard.
Using fedora Core 1.
Same here, except that the focus behaviour seems to be unpredictable. Sometimes dialog windows do get focus, sometimes they don't -- I'm using Fedora Core 1 with standard gnome desktop (and this metacity as window manager).
However, aside from this little quirk (which CAN be annoyings sometimes), everything works as good if not better than on windows.
Trond Andersen wrote:
I get the problem that the cursor disappears when I use the cvs
integration :( Every time I make an update or commit the cursor is gone.
When I switch to another task and back to idea everything is fine again !
No problems on Suse 9.0
runs like a dream.
/Frank bengtsson
Peter Morelli wrote:
Trond Andersen wrote:
I agree. Everything seems to work fine besides this focus problem.
Using Debian/SID and Gnome.
I use both (Linux at work and Windows at home) and there's very little
in it in terms of bugs and useability. I have the 2.6 kernel at work
which is an issue for plugins but they seem to copy and install properly
when using the -Didea.jars.nocopy=true flag. Tell you the truth, I'm
not even sure if I need that option anymore because something was
magically fixed with plugins during the latter part of EAP 4.0. I also
use the -noverify flag to help startup speed.
Also, of course, you can't use the Windows native theme on Linux!
Do it, and never look back.
Peter Morelli wrote:
I use IDEA 3.0 and the 4.0 EAP builds regularly on Mandrake 9.2 with KDE 3.2. It works very well and it looks great.
My only pet hate is that the dialogs beep at me sometimes when they are first shown, but I suppose I can live with that.
The concern I have is the same that someone else has mentioned in that there are problems with using IDEA (or is it the JVM?) on a 2.6 kernel - this has actually stopped me building and installing the new kernel or upgrading to Mandrake 10.
Thanks for all your responses, I think I'll give a go. ;o)
Just to add my positive experiences.
Used Intensively Idea 3.0.5 under Mandrake 9.2
First test of Idea 4 are great so far.
Test on Mandrake 10 RC1 with kernel 2.6 are ok too.
So have fun
>Test on Mandrake 10 RC1 with kernel 2.6 are ok too.
So you're definitely not seeing the file-locking(?) problems that others have mentioned around here on kernel 2.6?
Marcus Brito wrote:
Problems with focus are caused by Metacity WM. All these bugs are not
repeatable under KWIN (KDE), ICE WM or Enlightment
Vladimir Kondratyev
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I've used IDEA under 2.6 for a while (Fedora Core 2 Test1) and didn't experienced the aforementioned file locking problem (and I didn't added the idea.jars.nocopy=true option).
>Problems with focus are caused by Metacity WM. All these bugs are not
>repeatable under KWIN (KDE), ICE WM or Enlightment
Do you know if this is something that will be fixed in Metacity and/or Java for Linux ?