Something interesting (Goto decleration middle-click or ctrl+b)
Hi All
I am sorry if I am posting in wrong section.
Check the following code from Integer.toString(int)
When I middle-click (or ctrl+b) on ThreadLocal at 1 then IDEA is going to source file (I have extracted source path included). But if I Middle click on ThreadLocal at 2 then IDEA is decompiling class file from rt.jar. :(
BUT in the following code IDEA always opening
I did another test with MouseAdapter and MouseListener, and observed that interfaces are always going to Source but classes are decompiled from rt.jar.
Any explantion? Anybody?
Seems to be a bug. Please submit an SCR.
Valentin Kipiatkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Anki" <> wrote in message
> source file (I have extracted source path included). But if
I Middle click on ThreadLocal at 2 then IDEA is decompiling class file from
rt.jar. :(
interfaces are always going to Source but classes are decompiled from