CVS & SVN remember locations that I have explicitly removed
Hi everybody,
Did some searching for this and haven't noticed anybody complaining about this. I'm using idea 6.0.2 on windows and linux. For some reason when I remove locations from SVN & CVS plugin (for example when I put in a bad url that doesn't work) the location gets removed, but when I restart IDEA it returns. It's getting so that my VCS locations are full of typod locations that won't go away. Anybody know how to get these things to disappear for good?
I have this problem as well! I have a list full of old/bad svn and cvs repository locations. I thought I had removed them in past. But they are back...until I saw your post I thought I was just going crazy:-)
so could this possibly be a bug rather than user error on our part?
elchuppa wrote:
When you do an update or checkout, are you purging? This is the -P
option with CVS, not sure about SVN.
I don't think that's it. The purge command is relevant to the contents of cvs, while I am actually referring to the behavior of the cvs plugin for IDEA. i.e. that it doesn't seem possible to remove cvs locations that have been configured via the plugin. You can remove them, but they reappear after IDEA is restarted.
this has been fixed