Adding forms to forms - nothing happens

In the UI Designer, I've added a form to the Palette and am attempting to insert it into a JTabbedPane in a different form. I click the form in the palette, then click inside the jtabbedpane in the new form, but it doesn't get inserted. Instead, the blue outline that shows where the component is going to be placed just disappears momentarily and that's it.

It worked the first time I tried it (the "nested form" was inserted correctly), however when I ran the application I got a unsupported class version exception (something like that), so I deleted the nested form and tried to re-add it, but now I get this. Restarting IDEA, rebuilding the project, nothing seems to fix it. Any ideas?

IDEA 6.0.5


Hello William,

Can this be your issue: ?
If so, the remedy is to run IDEA with JDK version >= JDK version your components
/ forms are built. E.g. with JDK 6.

In the UI Designer, I've added a form to the Palette and am attempting
to insert it into a JTabbedPane in a different form. I click the form
in the palette, then click inside the jtabbedpane in the new form, but
it doesn't get inserted. Instead, the blue outline that shows where
the component is going to be placed just disappears momentarily and
that's it.

It worked the first time I tried it (the "nested form" was inserted
correctly), however when I ran the application I got a unsupported
class version exception (something like that), so I deleted the nested
form and tried to re-add it, but now I get this. Restarting IDEA,
rebuilding the project, nothing seems to fix it. Any ideas?

IDEA 6.0.5



That fixed the problem, thanks!

