shared project files
Hi all,
We're trying to get our team a little better organised and as such one of the things we're addressing is the state of our intellij project files. On some projects we share project files while on others we don't - I'd like to see us sharing project files on all projects. A couple of problems I see with this is that intellij will assume no source control (even if the project is obviously checked out under cvs or svn). The other problem is that the runtime configurations are stored in the workspace file - whilst I can see arguments for it being stored there I'd love to see this being something we can configure.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom on sharing project files, or comments on that above?
Your run configuration is saved to the project file if you select the 'Share configuration' checkbox in the run configuration panel. But for the VCS setting there's currently no workaround.
Thanks Martin - much appreciated.