No CVS Login Prompt
I have everything set up correctly, same setup info works from the command line and from my Solaris box (Build #688), but any CVS command in IDEA on Mac OS X produces an error that states I need to use "cvs login" first. IDEA never prompts me to login. The project in question was a recent conversion from IDEA 2.6 where CVS was working without troubles.
Build #692
Mac OS X 10.2.3
JDK 1.4.1 DP 10
Apologies if this has been reported before. The searches I tried didn't come up with anything.
Idea 3.0 is different then 2.6 in that it creates/maintains it own copy of the .cvspass file. In 2.6, it used the same one the command-line used. In 3.0, it creates one in ideas config/system/ directory. It names them according to your project names. It does this so it can track cvs config on a per project basis. If Idea doesn't create this file, you can do it manually, but getting the name right will be hard. They use some sort of random hex string in the filename too. If you can figure out the right name, you can use your command-line cvs to create the file. just set an environment variable CVS_PASSFILE=]]>, and then do a cvs login. This should add the appropriate login info to the cvs password file specified by your env variable. Once this file is created properly, you no longer need to set that env var...
Yeah I remember reading about the different handling of CVS passwords but doing it manually is not something I should have to do. The problem is that IDEA does not prompt me for my CVS password like it should. It simply restates the CVS error that I need to be logged in first. I have been encountering this in projects that were automatically converted from 2.6 but I just tested a brand new project ang got the following error when attempting to checkout the source.
cvs checkout: could not open /Users/matthew/.IntelliJIdea/system/CVSTEST_ipr516313e.cvspass: No such file or directory
cvs : use "cvs login" to log in first
A few questions...
1. Shouln't IDEA be creating this file?
2. Is this a know bug?
3. Am I somehow missing a setup step?
What version of CVS are you using?
Vladimir Kondratyev
Matthew Montgomery wrote:
The as shipped version of CVS that came with Mac OS X 10.2.
Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.10 `Halibut' (client/server)
try 1.11.x
I seems that 1.10 and 1.11 are incompatible between each other (by
produced messaged).
Vladimir Kondratyev
Matthew Montgomery wrote:
Did you try version 1.11.x ?
Matthew Montgomery wrote:
Best regards,
Vladimir Kondratyev
Thanks for following up, you have motivated me to get off my butt and install a newer version of CVS. I can confirm that all of the issues I have been encountering with CVS integration have been cleared up when running version 1.11.2 of CVS.
I cleared a CVS password for a current project and was, as expected, presented with the login prompt from within IDEA.
CVS 1.11.2 (installed via Fink)
IDEA Build #694
Mac OS X 10.2.4