//noinspection for entire file?
We are using a test framework and get a lot of unused warnings and would like to disable that for the entire file. I put this at the top but it doesn't seem to work.
//noinspection JSHint, JSUnusedLocalSymbols
Is there a way to do this?
Hi there,
You can do it this way (do not know how convenient it would be in your case though; if you need to disable specific inspection in all files within certain folder (or file names match certain pattern) -- this will work ok):
I would like to disable a specific inspection for an entire file but in a way that is shared with the team, so I'd like to write a @noinspection line that applies to a file / scope
@Jonathan file-level suppressions for PHP work starting 2018.1.1 PhpStorm version, e.g.:
this doesn't work for me in WS anymore
Fetis26, it's not yet implemented for JavaScript/TypeScript: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-10308
Please consider the workaround suggested by Andriy.