Question regarding sample
I downloaded the sample
I'm still confused about how it works, below are my questions.
1. I found that if I do not set the fill in JPanel(Form -> panel JPanel -> JPanel) to NONE, the small icons(e.g. like "split rows", "insert column before this") does not appears.
Is there another way to do the same task?
2. After setting the fill mentioned above to NONE, I tried to drag another component like JButton or JPanel to the "panel JPanel"(the outer panel), but the UI designer refuses to allow me to do so. Am I doing anything wrongly.
The question is "How work with layout"?
I can place some descriptions about working with UIDesigner on TWiki site,
if it realy need. Setting "fill" property to NONE means that component will
NOT fill all entiry area of parent component or layout cell, i guess.
Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer
Sputnik Labs,
"simplicity" <> wrote in message
JPanel -> JPanel) to NONE, the small icons(e.g. like "split rows", "insert
column before this") does not appears.
another component like JButton or JPanel to the "panel JPanel"(the outer
panel), but the UI designer refuses to allow me to do so. Am I doing
anything wrongly.