[SOLVED] How do I show/hide hidden files in the Project Tool Window?



I'm new to PHPStorm and I can't seem to find any way to toggle showing/hiding hidden files and folders.  Am I being stoopid or is there no such option?!  (I am using PHPStorm 5.0.2 on a Mac)



Hi there,

What kind of files/folders we are talking here? Can you give some real examples?

I'm not a Mac user and do not know how this show/hide hidden files should work (I mean -- what files are considered hidden) but I'd guess they should start with a dot, e.g. ".htaccess", ".git" etc. If that is the case -- it is possible that they are simply excluded from the project by default -- please check "Preferences | File Types | Ignore files and folders" field.

Permanently deleted user

Editor -> File types. Remove .git from bottom field. Apply



>That is incorrect. Not only is it not hidden, an Excluded directory is now even *more* visible than any other directory, with a different color and background color.

Year 2012 vs 2017 -- quite long time.

Since 2016.x version you now have "Show Excluded Files" option in Project View -- if you disable it excluded files will not be shown there.

Such option was introduced as original behaviour of folders marked as excluded has changed since then -- see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-23537

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"Once file or folder is considered to be "excluded" (via that field, or by marking folder as Excluded in Settings | Directories) it will not be shown in Project View as it is not part of the project any longer."

That is incorrect. Not only is it not hidden, an Excluded directory is now even *more* visible than any other directory, with a different color and background color.


After a bit of searching, I found "Show Excluded Files" when clicking on the gear wheel in the project tab header.

But that only shows files, hidden folders are still hidden. How can those be made visible (especially .git)?

EDIT: Seaching for "excluded" in the Settings. I find directory excluded settings, and see the ".init" folder there. ".git" is missing.

Why I'm looking for .git? Because lately, often when opening a project, I see this error: "fatal: Unable to create 'D:/www/[project]/.git/index.lock': File exists."



Seriously this InteliJ is taking my nerves! those options were added without me changing a thing on the latest update, I was trying to figure this out for so long, This action of hidden things was never selected by me and I was using this program almost thinking about leaving not pay anymore for this suite.


Seriously please try to not fuck with our default options, please! 


Extremely angry of updating your version! 



Thought I'd add my own solution.

* Double-tap the shift key to open the 'Search Everywhere' dialog.

* Click the 'Actions' tab.

* Type the words 'show excluded files' (without quotes).

* On right, click the On/Off switch.

The search anywhere modal is seriously useful and I can recommend it for most things.

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Showing and hiding files such as .gitignore and .vagrant.  Wierdly PHPStorm seems to automatically hide the .git folder but not the .gitignore file.  I can see why this might be useful because most of the time you don't need to change anything in the .git folder but you may want to change the .gitignore file a bit more often.  But it's confusing because it feels inconsistent.  Now I am left wondering "what else is PHPStorm deciding I don't need to see?"  So as a PHPStorm newbie I am checking the folder strucure in my terminal to see what's really there.  And the lack of a way to show/hide any and all "hidden" files in the project folder is just confusing too because it forces me to check the folder stucture elsewhere.

ANYWAY, you have correctly pointed me where PHPStorm controls the hidden files/folders filter list and now I can see what it is hiding!  Thank you!  For the life of me I couldn't find that.  I am so used to Eclipse and other editors that I am obviously having diffiuclty adjusting to PHPStorm!  I will persist!

Thanks again Andrily!

And the lack of a way to show/hide any and all "hidden" files in the project folder is just confusing too because it forces me to check the folder stucture elsewhere.

Once file or folder is considered to be "excluded" (via that field, or by marking folder as Excluded in Settings | Directories) it will not be shown in Project View as it is not part of the project any longer. That's why there is no "Show hidden files" option -- the Project View shows only indexed file structure (after filtering out excluded stuff) and not the actual file system (using indexing speeds up all search operations a lot, be it code completion or navigate to file functionality).


cool, thanks. can you add this to the options menu, please? (the gearwheel)


Joserafaelmb, please clarify what exact setting you are talking about. I've just tried upgrading from 2021.3.3 to 2022.1, and Tree Appearance | Show Excluded Files seems to have been kept between the versions.

