Suppress Javascript error

Is there a way to surpress a javascript error.

I have dynamic code being put into a jQuery array with a {PLACEHOLDER}
//noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
    var array = [{PROTECTED}];//noinspection

Its causing an error and highlights the whole directory as an error.
Is there a way to surpress this for this one line like the //noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

I changed the whole line to just {PROTECTED} which is better as it is a warning instead of error.
But I can't seem to properly surpress that either.

Any ideas or thoughts whould be helpful.
Possible a ticket to implament such a feature if it doesn't exist.
As this seems to be an issue when dynamically adding into js with placeholders.


It is not supported right now, please create YouTrack ticket for that

