
Some tricks from zend studio would keep code written in any of IDEs intercompatible

1). PHPDoc autogenerate

when using /** automation with the following function

    public function kako (array $arr, Zend_Acl $za = null)
        return true;

the following phpdoc is generated

     * @param $arr
     * @param $za
     * @return

In Zend the description to the function is also created and being selected, so you can change it right away. This would push developers write more descriptions to the functions
Also, at least by pear and zend framework notation the argument type follows @param, and only then it comes argument name. So, the generated phpdoc would be the following:

     * [Function description. text is selected]

     * @param array $arr
     * @param Zend_Acl $za
     * @return

2). Would be very useful to have more then on predefined syntax color scheme. And even cooler would be to have those colors schemes ported from other IDEs, so developers would feel more familiar with those when migrated from other IDEs.

3). Is it possible to debug php file localy not using any remote server? Sometimes it is comfortable to write 4-5-lines-long-file and trace it line by line to test some unintuitive php behaviour or smth. In Zend Studio 5.1 there was even more useful feature to be able to debug file without even saving it to the disk. For this kind of short-living files it really is comfortable to avoid wasting time on choosing the file type then file name then file path and then removing this file after it's tested. You just create new unnamed unsaved (even if it's actually saved somewhere to temporary directory behind the scenes) file, write the code, debug it line by line locally, see the output and close without saving.

4). All IDEs tend to create their own settings folder under source folder. .project, .settings, .xxx, etc. If i use more then one IDE for the same source folder it becomes annoying to pick directories to be ignored in each IDE. Would be better to have IDE build project settings folder in different then source folder directory.


1) we accept any style of @param declaration and yes, generated code can be improved in case where we can get types from defaults. However, what is the scenario where type can't be guessed?
2) sounds reasonable
3) not yet, but we have some plans for PHP-console or something like that - however we do not plan to bundle PHP or server with WI, you'll need to install one yourself.
4) there are plans for this feature  When our tracker will be back from maintenance I'll find/create tickets and post links here.

Permanently deleted user

1). when type cannot be guessed at least zend studio shows 'unknown_type'

I suggest you installing zend studio and meet its features to gain some more useful ideas.


We study our competitor features of course. Its just me not understanding what are you exactly talking about. May be you can post couple of screenshots - same code in ZS & WI (here or into tracker).

Permanently deleted user

I definately think the save info folder somewhere else is a wise idea

There is nothing worse than having scattered hidden folders actually in the site. (even in this case if its just the one)

