IDEA X freezes while entering a "//" Java comment
On a couple of occasions now I've been typing a Java comment (// variety) and IDEA X just "goes away". The mouse is fine, no spinning beach ball (I'm using OS X) but the app stops responding to any input with the exception of the "IntelliJ IDEA" menu. But, if I select "Quit" nothing happens. At one time the app's state (in top) was "stuck" but other times it is just switching between running and sleeping, using very little CPU and a few faults. I've let it sit for 30min--no change. I don't want to file this as a bug until some other folks confirm that they have seen this.
IdeaX-IU-98.402 and .382
OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.4
2009 MacBook Pro, plenty of RAM and disk space
JVMArchs: x86_64
LSArchitecturePriority: x86_64
-Xms450m -Xmx650m, other parameters the defaults
Java 1.6.0_22
It seems that the problem occurs within the first 10 characters of the comment text; again, using the "//" form of comment.
Hi Kevin,
Am I right understanding that your problem scenario is as follows:
Is the problem floating or there is particular sequence of actions that guarantees that IJ hangs?
Please provide IJ log and thread dump when the problem occurs.
Regards, Denis
Yes, I have only seen this behavior (three times in the last few months) when adding a single-line comment. It may have occurred after I hit delete a few times, to correct a spelling error. "Freeze" may be a bit misleading. The behavior is that the IDEA UI becomes unresponsive to mouse clicks, keyboard events, button presses, etc. The menu bar is responsive to some extent until I select a menu item. Nothing happens and the menu bar is no longer responsive. I'll verify that, though.
This problem happened yesterday (Nov 29) although I can't remember the exact time. But, if you open the attached IDEA log snippet and search for "2010-11-29 11:18:35,802" you may see the event happen. Note the Last Action is "EditorBackSpace".
IDEA freeze editing Java
Hi Kevin,
I asked to take a look developers which functionality reported an error.
Btw, do you have any third-party plugins installed? E.g. IdeaVIM is known to break editor behavior sometimes.
Regards, Denis
Here are the plugins that are enabled:
Android Support
Ant Support
CFML Support
CSS Support
CVS Integration
Database Support
GWT Support
HTML Tools
I18n for Java
Inspection Gadgets
Intention Power Pack
Java EE Integration
Java Server Pages Integration
JavaScript Debugger
JavaScript Intention Power Pack
JavaScript Support
JBoss Integration
Persistence Frameworks Support
Properties Support
SQL support
Subversion Integration
Tomcat Integration
Velocity Support
W3C Validators
In your system/log, do you have thread dump directories? Could you please attach them?
Thanks for the thread dumps. Please try using the newer RC from, which should fix the problem.