Javadoc paths - anyone have this functionality working?
I've provided what I though would be an appropriate path to allow the javadoc popup to be properly populated, but it doesn't seem to work.
If you have a dir structure say:
|__ (contains index.html, etc)
Don't you just point to <top-dir>/docs for this to work?
>it doesn't seem to work.
Same here.
Ctrl + Q doesn't pop up the added javadoc.
I think that I used this function before.
Do I need some extra setting?
build 660 on Windows 2000.
It's working fine here. Point to whichever directory contains index.html.
I cannot use this function yet.
Everything is ok for J2se javadoc which is labeled "]]>" in the JavaDoc Paths.
When I added "C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\doc\api" to JavaDoc Paths of my project setting,
I don't see any description about J2EE things on quick javadoc.
But the external javadoc works for the J2ee javadoc.
Is this the specification for IDEA 3.0?
That's what I've been doing, but without any results.
Any other ideas?
here's what i feel:
ctrlq seems only retrieve javadoc from source code, so you must have corresponding source code in source path. shiftf1 (external javadoc) can use javadoc directory specified in library.
samson su wrote:
Exactly - you must have the corresponding source code in order to use
the quick javadoc feature.
There's a feature request for CTRL-Q to use external javadocs when the
source isn't available:
So, add your votes if you want it! :D
"Tom Schreiber" <> wrote in message
corresponding source code in source path. shift+f1 (external javadoc) can
use javadoc directory specified in library.
Yep, I discovered this later after my previous posting.
Seems a bit odd, but works great now.
I'm on win98, release 660, and I had some problems configuring the external 1.4.1 javadocs (shift-F1). I can only get the javadocs to work if I do not use the Zip file (that is, extract all docs from the zip...) and configure the javadocs directory to be the docs/api directory. Although using the Zip and pointing to just the docs directory has worked for me in previous releases, it doesn't work for me in 661.